
Deep State can't stop the Great Awakening: DAVID WILCOCK Exclusive Interview [Part 5]

There is a definitely an awakening happening in the world and the #DeepState is not going to be able to stop it!. #TheGreatAwakening is starting to flow into every aspect of our society including President Trump's recent speech.

But the question is are we ready? What do we need to do to be prepared and how will this affect our lives?

Join us on Edge of Wonder in this final episode in our second series with #DavidWilcock as we talk about overcoming the darkness and stepping into the light and finding the courage to face our deepest fears.

Watch the rest of our 2nd series of episodes in this exclusive interview with David Wilcock:

David Wilcock Part 1 (Mass Arrests): http://bit.ly/DeepState2019
David Wilcock Part 2 (Dark Technology): http://bit.ly/WilcockAI
David Wilcock Part 3 (Ultimate Showdown): http://bit.ly/WilcockAlliance
David Wilcock Part 4 (Alliance Strikes Back) : http://bit.ly/WilcockWeather
David Wilcock Part 5 (The Great Awakening): You're watching it!

David Wilcock's OFFICIAL Patreon link for donations: https://www.patreon.com/dwilcock Pre-Order David’s Upcoming Book: http://bit.ly/DW_Awake_Dream David’s website: https://divinecosmos.com/ David Wilcock Alliance Update 2/3: Deep State Tribunals Underway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmIyT... (Watch for Valuable Additional Context)

*Filmed on Jan 17, 2019

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