
Laura Eisenhower and Magenta Pixie - Wings in the Darkness (Collapse of the Old Order)

Join Laura Eisenhower and Magenta Pixie in an organic discussion regarding fear paradigms, coping with lockdown and quarantine, two world split, Donald Trump holding light, breaking the trappings of the false matrix, the dark agenda, old structure into New Earth paradigm, shadow integration, DNA activation, declaration of sovereignty, natural cures, forced vaccines, peaceful protest, devotion to the higher self, heart-centred alignment, cosmic law and ascension. Recorded April 25th 2020.


Laura Eisenhower Website: https://cosmicgaia.org Laura Eisenhower on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LauraEis... Magenta Pixie Website: https://www.magentapixie.com Magenta Pixie Products: https://www.magentapixie.com/shop.html ---


* Lessons from a Living Lemuria https://www.magentapixie.com/lessons-... * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote https://www.magentapixie.com/the-blac... * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame https://www.magentapixie.com/the-infi... * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template https://www.magentapixie.com/divine-a... * Masters of the Matrix https://www.magentapixie.com/masters-...

MEDITATION COLLECTIONS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Elemental Dream https://www.magentapixie.com/elementa... * Sacred Quest https://www.magentapixie.com/sacred-q... * Magenta Pixie Meditation Mega Bundle https://www.magentapixie.com/meditati...

* Support Magenta Pixie - Donations Gratefully Received * https://www.magentapixie.com/donation...

Background fabric wall hanging used by Magenta Pixie in this video available at https://pinklotusemporium.com

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