
Amanda Lorence: Starke ENERGIEN

Starke ANKOMMENDE ENERGIEN begannen gegen 22.30 Uhr / 3.1.22. Die Schwingungsmuster sind SEHR stark, vor allem für die Krone, den Kopf und das Gesicht. Ausserdem anhaltende Klingeltöne in hoher Tonlage 💜.


15 Stunden später sind die Energien immer noch unglaublich stark. Aber die Lichtcodes innerhalb des aktuellen Eingangs haben sich verändert. Es ist jetzt extrem EXTREM magnetisch. Zum Eintauchen...💜🌀💚


Deeper than all Oceans,
This Love felt from the Heart,
Immersed within the Liquid Light,
We NEVER feel apart.

Magnetic is the Ocean Love,
That beckons us back to Source,
Natural, flowing, Open Heart,
Pure Love doth use No Force.

God waits within the human Heart,
For their choice; to start to Breathe,
As patience, and the power of Light,
Flowers blossom, from their Seed.

Nature shows us all each day,
The expansion, the Sun Light brings,
We expand ourselves, through our Choice,
In deep gratitude for every, thing.

The bird will Fly one thousand miles,
Guided from Within,
Yet as it reaches it’s landing Stage,
It’s a Beginning, of Everything.

As Pure Love, there’s no win or lose,
God’s Love, Loves all you See,
So vast and deep, Loves Ocean,
Loving ALL, is how we are Free.

For although the door is Open,
The caged bird must choose to Fly,
Will it breathe God’s breath and opens its Wings?
To match vibrations of the Sky?
And so in times of world unrest,
There heralds for each, it’s own Test,
To breath God’s Love through Thy own Heart,
And magnetise back to the start.

Letting go of the loudness,
Holding on to no thing,
Putting every sword down,
Feel the Peace that it Brings.

For the Peace and Compassion,
Born within One’s Love Heart,
Are Magnetic Liquid Waters,
Drawing each, back to the start.

Creating As, With and Through… Conscious Energy of One.
Read slowly to receive the codes…

Written by
Amanda Lorence
4 January 2022

Quelle: Amanda Lorence

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