
Allison Coe: DNA Upgrades, Messages for the Awakened Community BQH Hypnosis Session

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Hello, and thank you for listening to this transcription of a recent Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. This session gives us insights into what's happening on Earth from a higher dimensional perspective. We are shown what humans need to do to accept the energies that are coming to Earth to upgrade their DNA, and to create the 5D reality they desire. As always, please use your own discernment while listening to these details. I'd like to thank my amazing client Peyton Energetics for allowing me to share this session with you. You can follow her work by going to her website: https://peytonenergetics.com or her YouTube channel:
/ @peytonenergetics...
We both hope this session helps someone.

Much love, Allison


To learn Beyond Quantum Healing enroll here: https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Enter promo code ALLISONCOE10 for 10% off

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