

Following the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as the next attorney general, a series of mass arrests of politicians connected to a Washington D.C. pedophile ring is expected to begin in a matter of days.

Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama was confirmed as the next attorney general following a 52-47 vote on Wednesday.

His swearing in on Thursday is expected to precede the mass arrests of high profile senior politicians connected to the ‘Pizzagate‘ scandal in Washington D.C.

This news confirms claims made by an FBI insider last week who said that at least 30 politicians and 40 others connected to a pedo ring in Washington D.C. would be arrested in a series of surprise raids in the very near future.

According to the informant, the FBI are waiting for the newly appointed Attorney General to sign-off on the raids shortly after he is sworn in on Thursday and briefed on the investigation so far.

In anticipation for the arrests, CNN are preparing to continue their shameless cover-up of ‘Pizzagate’ by suggesting that the arrests are a coup by Trump’s administration in order to distract the public from the President’s ties to Russia.

NN reports: CNN, along with other news agencies and high-level politicians, have desperately been trying to convince the public that the Washington pedophilia ring was nothing more that a wild conspiracy theory, but as the Pizzagate arrests now seem imminent, the conspirers begin scrambling to create another cover story.

According to CNN:

Our situation is different. Trump gained power legally but this week has provided many indications that his inner circle intends to shock or strike at the system, using the resulting spaces of chaos and flux to create a kind of government within the government: one beholden only to the chief executive.”

Strike at the enemy at a time and place or in a manner for which he is unprepared,” reads one US Air Force formulation of the old military doctrine of surprise. Trump has long been an advocate of this tactic and complained various times during the campaign that our armed forces were far too transparent about their planned operations.

Yet Bannon(Steve Bannon – Assistant to the President and Chief Strategist in the Donald Trump administration) is the mastermind of this takeover strategy as it’s been adapted to the domestic realm. Well-versed in military tactics and the history of the radical left and right, Bannon has repeatedly talked about “destroying the state” in the name of securing power for “an insurgent, center-right populist movement that is virulently anti-establishment.”

Besieging your targets until nothing makes any sense — giving them no time to absorb or recover from attacks — is a time-tested strategy in the history of war and authoritarian takeovers. One might cite what’s gone on in Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

It’s now being employed at the pinnacle of American democracy. It’s particularly useful in situations where the leader is vulnerable due to possible investigations, blackmails or other circumstances that close off gradualist approaches to implementing an agenda. With all the emergencies going on, who is bothered at the moment about those Trump tax returns or even his ties to Russia?

This strategy requires a two-pronged approach. First, the creation of a small group of loyal insiders, who take orders directly from the leader’s inner circle and are tasked with creating chains of authority that bypass those of the existing federal government and party bureaucracies. I was disturbed, but not surprised, when Conway said two days after the inauguration that “it’s really time for (Trump) to put in his own security and intelligence community.”

Second is the unleashing of the political purges that authoritarians so love.

Trump campaigned on a platform of unifying the nation, but by striking at the state he and Bannon intend to turn us against each other.

Their blitzkrieg not only throws us off balance but forces us to take sides.

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