
Moby veröffentlicht 4 Std. FREIE Musik zum Meditieren und Entspannen...oder wozu auch immer...

Moby hat gerade 4 Std. Musik freigegeben, die er ursprünglich für seine eigene Entspannung komponiert hatte. Weil aber so viele Menschen weltweit gestresst sind, hat er sich entschlossen seine Kompositionen allen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Und das FREI.

Richard Melville Hall, so Moby's richtiger Name ist selbst Yoga und Meditations Anhänger, Veganer und Aktivist für mehr Rechte für Tiere. 

Moby schreibt dazu:

"fühlt Euch frei...das zu machen, was ihr wollt mit dieser Musik...verschenken, oder benutzen...oder was auch immer... sie ist frei und nicht geschützt..."

Moby Just Released 4 Hours Of FREE Music Designed For Yoga And Meditation

Because more people could (and should) benefit from stress-relieving and ambient tunes, internationally-acclaimed electronic artist Moby recently shared a collection of recordings designed for mindful movement, sleep, and meditation. Moby, whose full name is Richard Melville Hall, is well-known in the conscious community because he’s an active yoga practitioner, vegan, and outspoken animal rights activist.

The DJ explained on his website that he initially recorded the music for himself, but decided the public should benefit from the relaxing tracks, as well. He wrote:

Over the last couple of years I’ve been making really, really, really quiet music to listen to when I do yoga or sleep or meditate or panic. I ended up with four hours of music and have decided to give it away.

Long ambients1, which can be downloaded here, offers 11 instrumental tracks. The music is slow and peaceful, and is described by the artist as “really quiet: no drums, no vocals, just very slow calm pretty chords and sounds and things for sleeping and yoga.”

Moby’s contribution can also be streamed on Spotify, Soundcloud, through Apple music, Deezer, YouTube and Tidal.

“ […] feel free to share it or give it away or whatever, it’s not protected or anything, or at least it shouldn’t be,” he wrote.

Because the benefits of engaging in regular yoga and meditation are numerous, many people are likely to benefit from the gracious artist’s offering.

This article (Moby Just Released 4 Hours Of FREE Music Designed For Yoga And Meditation ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com

Quelle: http://www.trueactivist.com

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