
Did Trump Just Mention the Currency Reset?

"As far as currency devaluations, I've been complaining about that for a long time. I believe that we will all eventually and probably very much sooner than a lot of people understand or think; we will be all at a level playing field. Because that's the only way it's fair.

That's the only way you can fairly compete on trade and other things.And we will be on that field and we will all be working very hard to do great for our country. But it has to be fair and we will make it fair.

I think the United States is going to be an even bigger player than it is right now, by a lot, when it comes to trade. A lot of that will have to do with our tax policy, which you'll be seeing in the not-too-distant future. We'll have an incentive-based policy, much more so than we have right now.

Right now nobody even knows what policy we have. We're working with Congress, we're working with Paul Ryan, we're working with Mitch McConnell and I think people are going to be very, very impressed."


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