


FEBRUARY 13, 2017

Lucid dreaming is one category of dreams that many people experience. It occurs when the individual is dreaming and during that dream the individual is completely aware that they are dreaming. Some people report a low-level lucidity state where one is aware they are dreaming but not able to alter the content of the dream. Other people have experienced high-level lucidity where one is aware they are dreaming but are also able to alter the dream, and have the freedom to do whatever they desire within the dream.

Dreams are a fascinating phenomenon as they provide us with insights into a world full of experiences we cannot perceive or create in a completely conscious state. Or can we?

Lucid dreaming is a well-documented phenomenon. Researchers continue to explore it as it shows some very significant brain patterns and biological happenings within the body. A fairly recent example is a study conducted in 2009 at the Neurological Laboratory in Frankfurt. Research shows how lucid dreamers produce the fastest brainwave frequencies ever recorded — gamma brainwaves — that operate at 40Hz + (1). This suggests that lucid dreamers are more self-aware, and are more conscious in this state than compared to a normal state of wakefulness. We don’t operate anywhere near that frequency (in regard to brainwaves) when in our normal wakeful state, and we operate at even lower frequencies during other sleep states. Research suggests that the existence of gamma brainwaves indicates a totally conscious experience (4), so the experience of being awake within a dream is a very real phenomenon. This begs the question: which state is actually real? Could what we perceive as being fully aware and awake be the real dream? Or are these just different aspects of reality that we are jumping to and from? Is our ability to create our own reality easier in a state of lucid dreaming because our brain is functioning at a higher frequency? What would we be capable of if we were able to attain that frequency without lucid dreaming? Would we be able to have instant manifestations like we do in our lucid dreams? Gamma brainwaves are involved in higher mental activity and consolidation of information. Operating from this frequency allows our brain to link and process information from multiple parts of the brain (2). We use more of our brain when we are experiencing lucid dreaming than we do when we are fully awake.

Below is a list of brainwaves and the different frequencies at which they operate:

Delta Brainwaves: These are the most pronounced brainwaves in premature babies. They are of a very low frequency and range from 0.5 to 2Hz.

Theta Brainwaves: These are at a higher frequency, typically around 4 to 7 Hz. These brainwaves are characterized by light sleep, rapid eye movement sleep (REM), dreams and hallucinations.

Researchers suggest that the very existence of this synchronized gamma indicates that a consciousness experience is occurring. The gamma wave state is the most sensitive compared to any other state of consciousness measurable. Gamma brainwaves are associated with intelligence, compassion, self control and feelings of natural joy.

So what can we take away from these discoveries? The fact that brain activity during the lucid dreaming experience radiates a gamma frequency is extremely significant. It shows us that our brain is vibrating at a higher frequency, and functioning at a more clear, coherent and higher state of consciousness than it is when we are awake. Although the size of the human brain has remained unchanged for 200,000 years, brainwave frequency and states of consciousness have changed over time (6). Humans seem to increase the brainwave frequency, and operate at different brainwave states as we continue our journey forward. Imagine a race vibrating at the same frequency as one does in a meditative state, constantly illustrating the gamma brainwave state. The presence of gamma brainwaves illustrates that the people who experience high level lucid dreaming are having a totally conscious experience, within the ‘dream world.’

Who is to say that when we are lucid dreaming we are not experiencing an alternate reality that operates at a higher frequency? Maybe higher frequency states allow us to access alternative timelines, other dimensions or aspects of reality. There are many questions that dreaming, and more specifically lucid dreaming, bring to the forefront of our time. Very little is understood about the phenomenon, but what we do understand is that our dreams allow us to create our reality at a specific frequency. As quantum physics continues to elaborate on how consciousness directly shapes our physical/material world, imagine what possibilities exist in a reality resonating in the gamma frequency or higher. The human race’s potential is limitless.


Other suggested techniques for remembering your dreams and being conscious throughout your dreams include:

1. As mentioned above, throughout the day, remember to look at your hands for about 10 seconds. This will help you notice any changes in your hands in the dream.

2. Before you go to sleep at night say to yourself: “I am going to remember my dream tonight and I am going to dream about ________.” Repeat this over and over again and it will increase your ability to remember your dreams.

3. Ask yourself repeatedly throughout the day, “Am I dreaming?” Then (like the hands method) while you are dreaming you will ask yourself and hopefully become consciously aware that you are dreaming.

4. The good old fashioned “pinch test.” If you are unsure if you are dreaming, give yourself a pinch. If you are dreaming you won’t be able to feel this, so then you will know that you are dreaming.

5. Keep a dream journal. This is very important. Keep a notepad beside your bed and whenever you wake up, whether its 3, 6 or 9 a.m., write down whatever you remember about your dream and if you did become conscious, write down exactly how that happened, and then what happened after that point.

6. Set your alarm clock to wake you up about 5 ½ hours after you have fallen asleep. Studies show that if you are woken up during a dream you are more likely to remember them.

Lucid dreaming does take some practice so be patient. Sometimes the very shock of realizing that you are dreaming within a dream will wake you up, so just keep practicing. It is pretty incredible to be able to control your dreams, and when you learn this technique you can take control of your dreams and use them to your advantage. You can use them to help you try out new ideas and methods before implementing them into your waking life. You can virtually put yourself anywhere you want to be in any circumstance. You can even face some of your greatest fears all while getting a good night’s rest.

Our friends over at Lucid Secrets (www.lucidsecrets.com) have put together a comprehensive system to help master the art of lucid dreaming, including lessons on essential techniques such as astral projection, mind relaxation, meditation, and more. This program will tell you guys everything you need to know about the limitless world of lucid dreaming, and we highly recommend you explore this program.


By Christina Sarich

Lucid dreaming is beyond bizarre to most of us. You are asleep and dreaming yet you know you are dreaming, and many lucid dreamers can affect actions and outcomes in dreams just like they do during waking moments. Only in dreams, you can do much more fantastical things – bend steel, fly, stop bullets, and finally talk to that girl at the coffee shop that always makes you so nervous.

We already know that lucid dreamers have some of the highest brain wave frequencies on the planet, but what if you could induce a lucid dreaming state – known for helping to drastically change your waking life – simply by applying the right electrical current at the right frequency to the brain? What if you could also train your brain to have more lucid dreams?

Reality is Easily Altered in a Lucid Dream

Scientists are starting to realize that the rabbit hole between our conscious and unconscious worlds is more deeply connected than previously assumed.

Several studies suggest you can even apply tools to create an environment which is ripe for lucid dreaming.

For example, one study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, found that the brains of people with high and low dream lucidity were different.

Subjects with high lucidity had greater gray matter volume in the frontopolar cortex, compared to those with low lucidity. This brain region also showed higher activity during thought monitoring [awareness while in a waking state] in both high- and low-lucidity subjects, with stronger increases in the high-lucidity group.

The scientists concluded that lucid dreaming and metacognition share some underlying mechanisms, meaning that those who are more conscious in their waking state, are better able to lucid dream.

An Oxford study suggests that some people are just “made” for lucid dreaming:

“The neurophysiological correlates of dreaming remain unclear. According to the “arousal-retrieval” model, dream encoding depends on intrasleep wakefulness. Consistent with this model, subjects with high and low dream recall frequency (DRF) report differences in intrasleep awakenings. This suggests a possible neurophysiological trait difference between the 2 groups.”

But that doesn’t mean you can’t make your brain more like those people who dream lucidly with ease.

Recent research found that zapping an electrical current at the right frequency and just in the right place of the brain can induce lucid dreaming about 70% of the time. A study led by Ursula Voss at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, stimulated sleepers’ brains using a weak current set to a particular frequency, in a technique called transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). Christian Jarrett from Wired explains the study:

“…it turns out that, aside from a small sample, this new dream research is well conducted. Voss and her team tested 27 healthy volunteers (15 women, 12 men, none of whom usually have lucid dreams) on four successive nights. Each night, the participants were zapped with electricity in a different frequency range or – and it’s important they included this condition – with no electricity at all (known as a “sham” treatment). The stimulation was delivered after between two and three minutes of uninterrupted REM sleep. Shortly afterwards the participants were woken and they answered questions about the dream they’d just had.”

Stimulation specifically delivered in the low gamma range, at 40Hz, and to a lesser extent at 25Hz, was associated with a greater experience of lucid dreaming, as compared to stimulation at other higher and lower frequencies or to sham treatment.

Though you can’t give yourself mild electric shocks at home, you can listen to 40 Hz music that helps to create the neural environment for lucid dreams.

You can also do the following things to help create lucid dreams when you sleep: 

Wake yourself up during deep REM sleep, then go back to sleep. 

Write an “A” for awake on your palm before you go to sleep. Look down at your hand and say, 

“Am I awake?” If you can see the “A” that means you are awake. If you don’t see the “A” when you are dreaming, and you ask yourself that question, you will know you are dreaming and can attempt to alter your dreams with your mental awareness. 

Turn off all cell phones, computers, televisions, or ‘screens’ at least an hour before bed, and meditate instead. During your meditation invite lucid dreaming. Tell yourself, “I welcome lucid dreams.” 

Try waking up but keep your eyes closed. Observe what happens in your “waking” dream state. As soon as you are fully awake, write down what you observed. This trains your mind to be aware in the twilight state between waking and sleeping.

Once you can create lucid dreams at will you can also:

Even Children Can Learn to Lucid Dream
Pre-program specific dream content and themes
Change bad habits by dissolving them in a dream state first, then translating that to a waking state
Visualize your way to a specific lucid dream from a waking state
Recognize dream signs and symbols that trigger lucidity
Induce lucid dreams via “out-of-body” experiences

Herbs that help to induce vivid and lucid dreams:

There are also legal herbs which can greatly increase the chances of lucid dreaming, sued for centuries by people all over the world

Calea Zacatechichi, also called Mexican Dream Herb
Artemis Vulgaris, also called Mugwort (not to be used if you are pregnant)
Heimia Salicifolia, also called Sun Opener 

Celastrus Paniculatus, known as Intellect Tree 

Silene Capensis, known as xhosa dream root, often used for prophetic dreaming
Nymphaea Caerulea, known as Blue Lotus and used for deeper sleep. It is a mild sedative known for also causing lucid dreams

Asparagus Rosemosus, also called Tian men Dong in Chinese Medicine, it is known for its heart opening effects and the ability to join one with their dream spirit
Entada Rheedii, also known as African Dram Bean, it helps you communicate with dream spirits

Just be sure to research the correct dosage and any contraindications when using herbs to create ludic dreams.

Lucid dreaming is really just a transferred state of expanded, quantum consciousness. Shamanshave used lucid dreaming as a way to heal themselves and others for centuries. As we all learn to be more aware in our waking states, this too will translate to our dream-time.

Image: Source, Source, Source, Featured image
Christina Sarich

Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and *See the Big Picture*. Her blog is Yoga for the New World . Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing The Body And Mind Through The Art Of Yoga.

Sources and more information:

(4)O’Nuallain, Sean. “Zero Power and Selflessness: What Meditation and Conscious Perception Have in Common”. Retrieved 2009-05-30. Journal: Cognitive Sciences 4(2).
(6)J. Gebser, The Ever Present Origin. Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio. (1985) pg 120-121

The Art Of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
Adventures Beyond The Body by Cristina Zaccaria
Remembering And Understanding Your Dreams by Craig Hamilton-Parker


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