
"Soften the Beach" - Intel SITREP - 10:00 EST - Sunday - February 19, 2017 - Opening RV military operations began globally yesterday at 16:00 EST.

Received via email at 10:00 AM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Opening RV military operations began globally yesterday at 16:00 EST.

This was about the same time the massive Trump distraction began in Melbourne, Florida... and the G20 meeting was midway engaged in Bohn, Germany.

Know one of the biggest concerns military planners had in releasing the RV--and flowing out the scope of money inherent to to the RV--is instantly rehydrating the enemy.

Thus, a "soften the beach" campaign was needed to officially kick off all monetary phases, and why Generals Dunford and Mathis were circling the globe in recent weeks prior, reviewing the troops and setting final attack strategies.

The military's thinking has always been an enemy that cannot rehydrate if they are in a survival retreat mode and/or cease to exist.

Hence, the necessity for a global beach softening of the enemy right before the civilian hydration period.

Any individual, organization or country on the wrong side of history starting yesterday is right now being permanently removed from the earth through fury... no more bargaining, negotiating or questions are being asked.

Saturday, February 18, 2017 was officially RV-Day for the world's special forces.

Anticipate civilian RV-Day to occur just as soon as General Dunford declares every grain of sand safe for civilian landing.

We believe all will be completed in terms of RV financial delivery and strategic military actions by March 1, 2017. That includes the removal of President Trump, which you are currently all witnessing.

This is why we have been and still are waiting for General Dunford to release the T4 redemption phase. It's his call per Grandfather.

Everything financially is at this precise hour deemed prepared and tested at full speed, awaiting mass implementation.

So like this intel or not, aware of the brutal realities of currency war or not, we are in the moment of humanity's permanent liberation--thus why the world appears so damn chaotic, as it's in TRANSITION.

Another way of explaining our situation is a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, but not yet in flight.

God is with us.

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