
New Secret Space Program Contactee Emerges - His name is Kevin Timmell

Pre-contact period with SSP: (December 2007 - November 2008)


In December 2007, I started meditating for the first time in earnest, having studied ancient history and philosophy as a teenager.

Around my 19th birthday I began not only to feed my mind with philosophy, I also started cleaning up my physical body and transitiong towards a high vibrational diet.

Detoxifaction and DNA activation is actually the solution to many of the dark programs that are running out there. After I got into the health movement and started cleansing, I eventually got into the alchemy side of things and the ORME. Understanding the ORME and the natural occuring Ormus substances is how one would take things to the next level in terms of DNA activation.

Little did I know that feeding one's light body in a very real way, without the greater knowledge of Exopolitics to keep you safe, is how I showed up on their radar.

Hi Denny. I came across your Youtube channel about a week ago and I have found your interviews to be quite helpful.

The reason I'm reaching out to you is because I have been thinking about going public with my own experience regarding the SSP, however, until now I haven't found a host who I would feel comfortable enough with in order to share my experiences.

Your energy is very sincere and grounded, and I notice that your very professional and always treat your guests with respect. I feel like I could talk to you about the things that I remember without feeling nervous about where the conversation could go on the part of the host.

Here is a little background information on me and how I came to remember my other life:

My name is Kevin, I'm 28 years old, and I live in Ontario, Canada. On November 12th 2008 I was bicycling in a forest close to where I live. I stopped for a break and thought a cloud had passed overhead and blocked out the sun. I was shocked when I looked up and saw a greyish-white triangle shaped craft (like the typical TR-3B) except it was greyish-white not black. It was hovering only a few hundred feet above the treetops.

Instead of feeling panic, I felt a strange sense of calm come over me. The craft was moving overhead at a walking pace (only a few kms per hour) and so I followed it for several minutes walking my bicycle as I continued starring up at it (that's how slow it was moving) and then when I reached the end of the trail where the forest opened up into a field the craft began to rise up into the air, slowly gaining altitude until it faded from my vision. About 3 weeks later, I started recalling traumatic memories from another life involving what I would later find out is the SSP.

I have reason to believe that was the day I was originally picked up and then dropped back off (I was 19 at the time about to turn 20 on December 22nd of that year).

However, the blank slating started to break down almost immediately. I think this is due to my blood-type being O +. I have since found out that people with + blood who are used in the program tend to remember things a lot better and can't be reprogrammed as easily, hence the blank slating only lasted a few weeks for me.

I am currently working on a journal in order to create a timeline of my experiences just like Tony Rodrigues recommended doing, and so far I have found this to be quite helpful in terms of organizing my thoughts and memories in a way that will allow me to stay on point if I were to be interviewed. I'm still in the process of doing that, and I'm guessing it may take me a few more weeks to write everything down.

Anyways, that's a little about me. When I complete my timeline I was wondering if we could do an interview via Skype.

If for whatever reason you don't wish to interview me, I understand completely. Thanks so much for the awesome work you've been doing, it really does make a difference, especially for people like me.


Kevin Trimmel

Quelle: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2017/06/new-secret-space-program-contactee.htmlhttp://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2017/06/new-secret-space-program-contactee.html

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