
BPEarthWatch: Earth's Shields Collapse/Solstice/Magnetopause

We Have Entered into a NEW LEVEL of DESTRUCTION, Cern is funded Internationally. We need to get this info into the White House.

I have 3 Years of Data to Back this up as well as Dozens of Major Quakes. Live Magnetopause @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com

NOTE: The Missing Image in the Magnetopause was captured by mrmbb333 on You Tube.

June 22, 2017: ISWA magnetic field data reveals a compression event of the magnetopause, pushing it far PAST geosynchronous satellite orbit last night. For more than 7 nights space weather/solar wind data reveals a static disturbance during the overnight hours. Many data fluctuations.
Also some NEW upper atmosphere "Alien Sirens"...wth



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