
Cobra Interview by International Golden Age Group – 29th June 2017

(International Golden Age Group) Welcome everyone ! We are International Golden Age Group. Our group is Mandarin-oriented Prepare for Change Group, so our members are all over the world. We are very dedicated to Event, disclosure, first contact and ascension. We have many platforms, resources and activities and you can make good use of it and share them with as many people as you can. 

The following is our official website: www.golden-ages.org You can find any Cobra’s information here in Chinese.

Source - Prepare For Change

by International Golden Age Group, June 29th, 2017

The world first six flower of life Cintamani grids were completed by us in Taiwan before Cobra’s Taipei Ascension Conference in March 11-12, 2017

After the completion of flower of life Cintamani grids, on May 31st, many rare and beautiful cloudships appeared in southern, central, eastern and northern Taiwan on the same day !

Victory of the Light

Welcome back Cobra, this is our June 29, 2017 interview. We really want to interview you bimonthly but from March to May, the situation is so intense and it is still at red alert. Ok, today Untwine, me Patrick, and Jedi, will ask you some questions. Let’s start the first one:

Untwine : Cobra you said that your flight above the veil resulted in the discovery of Chimera yes ?

Cobra : Actually not directly but I would say the intel I received up there had a consequence of discovering the Chimera

U : And did the Resistance and Galactic Confederation and Ascended masters know about Chimera before that time period ?

C : They knew about Chimera but they didn’t know the details about the toplet and strangelet bombs

U : Ok so the interaction with you when you went above the veil resulted in those discoveries ?

C : This was one part, not the only part, this was one part of the situation

U : Does a soul have a fixed gender or can it incarnate in both male and female ?

C : Soul can incarnate in both

U : Did the original vedic teachings come from contact with ET or Agartha or both ?

C : Actually most of spiritual teachings of the old came from mystery schools, so including the vedic teachings they came from mystery schools of Atlantis, and after Atlantis went under the water, there was a certain period when parts of those teachings were, I would say, changed to a certain degree, they were distorted to a certain degree, but yes also preserved to a certain degree, and this is part of that process.

U : Ok. Was there also some ET and Agarthan contact in those time periods after the sinking of Atlantis ?

C : Yes there was

U : When an object goes beyond the veil is it automatically tachyonized ?

C : It is not automatically tachyonized if this period is not long enough, but it does receive a certain amount of tachyons.

U : And if the period is long enough, then it’s permanently tachyonized ?

C : Yes if the period is long enough then it’s permanently tachyonized, but the concentration of tachyons is not very high, because I would say the ambient concentration of tachyons, in the low Earth orbit for example, is not very high.

U : Ok. So for example the Cintamani that you send beyond the veil, would they have more tachyons or less tachyons than what you tachyonize on the ground ?

C : They would have less, but different kind of tachyons, so combination of tachyonization on the ground and sending the stones beyond the veil is an excellent combination which gives them more effectivity in dissolving the anomaly here on the surface.

U : Ah they are also tachyonized on the ground

C : Yes of course, all my Cintamanis are tachyonized on the ground

U : Ok. Are there technologies on the man made satellites and international space station to block the tachyons because they’re above the veil ?

C : Basically there is this veil technology, haarp ionosphere technology that also are designed to minimize the tachyon impact to the surface.

U : So, for the people for example who are on ISS, do they get more energy than on the ground ?

C : Yes of course

U : Are there some technologies located on the ISS to minimize this ?

C : The cabal behind nasa is mind-programming the astronauts to minimize the positive effects of time beyond the veil.

U : Are chimera starting to realize that they can’t resist the Galactic Confederation for much longer ?

C : I would not say that they are realizing they can not resist, but they are realizing that they might lose the battle in the long term.

U : So what is their long term plan ?

C : I would not want to discuss this openly publicly at this point, maybe I will at a certain point but not yet.

U : Are Putin and the top Russian military aware of deeper intel like the prison status of planet Earth, chimera, the Galactic confederation ?

C : They are aware to a certain degree, again it depends on who are you talking about in the Russian high military or Putin, Putin is aware of the Pleiadians of course, so I would say he has much more intel than Trump for example.

U : And does he know for example that Earth is a prison status ?

C : He has a certain limited understanding of that situation

U : Is there a core of a few priest and priestesses in Agartha ?

C : Yes there are actually certain groups that you could describe in this way.

U : Are they ascended beings ?

C : No they are not ascended but they are highly spiritually evolved and they are, in a way they are very pure and very advanced.

U : What is their role in the liberation process ?

C : They are anchoring the energies of galactic nature that are very much needed, and actually with those energies they are keeping the balance on the planet, so the planet doesn’t get destroyed by negative forces. And they have been doing that for the last 25000 years.

U : So they anchor it from below into the Earth grid

C : They anchor it from below into the Earth grid and also beyond the scope of this planet

U : Are they in a specific location or are they spread out around the planet ?

C : They are in certain specific locations which are strategically most effective for what they are doing.

U : Ok thank you

Patrick : Ok, Cobra nice to meet you, first let’s ask some questions regarding the situation update. The first one is plasma anomaly accretion vortex close to the surface of the planet within its outer edge about 3 Earth radii from the planetary center, does it mean that the head of yaldabaoth is wider than the veil located within the range of Earth stratosphere ?

C : Actually the head yaldabaoth is almost the same range as this I would say outer veil, which is I would say 3 Earth radii from the planetary center. So you need to understand that there are various veil boundaries with various densities of the anomaly, and the outer one is about 3 Earth radii from the center and this is the size of the head of yaldabaoth.

P : In a situation update of last february, you mentioned that the Light forces have managed to clear out most of the plasma anomalies from the solar system and beyond, does this statement imply that the dark fleet, all slave colonies and implant stations beyond the moon-earth orbit have ceased to exist ?

C : Basically what was remaining until february were slave colonies that were connected directly with the chimera group, and not any connected with the secret space programs, this was cleared out before, and now the only thing that is remaining is the core of the chimera group regarding this situation, everything else is gone.

P : So no dark fleet, no implant stations ?

C : Not anymore

P : Very good ok. During Taipei Ascension last march, you mentioned that there is a huge positive base underneath northern Taiwan, and it is being expanded to accommodate 3 billion people, is it safe for you and Light forces to talk about the purpose of this underground base ?

C : Not at this moment. But this is one of the most important anchors for the Light forces in this planetary area, but I would not want to give more detailed information about what is the purpose of that place

P : Is this base now being expanded towards central Taiwan ?

C : No

P : Last month Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalize same sex marriage, who is behind this global trend of same sex marriage, the light or dark forces ?

C : Actually I would say that the cabal is promoting this because they have an agenda, and that agenda is to confuse and program the population in a certain way.

P : Do the Light forces agree with such trend ?

C : The Light forces can use this trend in a positive way because everybody has a right of self expression of course, but I would say that the background motivation of the current trend is not of the Light.

Jedi : Alright next is about the Earth history. The galactic superwave that happened 13000 years ago was strong enough to cause deluge of Atlantis, why did it not clear all plasma anomalies and the veil around the Earth?

C : Because the amount of anomaly at that time was so huge in this local quadrant of the galaxy, that that superwave was not strong enough.

J : Did Japan, Korea and Taiwan belong to Lemuria continent long time ago ?

C : They were not actually part of Lemuria but they had strong connections with Lemuria

J : Ok so Taiwan is not on the Lemurian continent before ?

C : No, no.

J : Ok. What caused the destruction of Lemurian civilization ?

C : It was natural cataclysms as a result of shifting of tectonic plates at that point.

J : Were dark forces responsible ?

C : Dark forces were not responsible for that

J : Ok. In your post ’Free the colonies report and short planetary situation update’, you mentioned that Israelites were an Arabic tribe living in the territory of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and have never set foot in Palestine. If Israelites did not set foot in Palestine, where on earth did Moses bring them out of Egypt?

C : He just went from Egypt to a certain area which is now in Saudi Arabia.

J : Ok. Is Yellow Emperor a starry being or a member of Eastern Agarthan civilization?

C : He came from certain star system in the Draco constellation, he was connected with Thuban Draconians, the positive Draconians, who actually assisted in bringing high culture in China, more than 5000 years ago.

J : Wow great. What was his mission during ancient China ?

C : His mission was to bring civilization actually, to create high culture, to introduce writing, to introduce certain farming technologies, and other things to the native tribes in China at that time.

P : Ok the next questions are related to religion and myth. What is the essence of Sarira, the legendary Buddhist relic ? Sometimes when the Buddhist monk die they will burn their body and there will be some bead-like relic remaining.

C : Yes, I would first need to say that most of them are fake, the ones which are genuine are something that somebody can leave behind during the ascension process as materialized essence of Light, so for example if a Buddhist monk reaches that level of consciousness and dies, sometimes the body can disappear, or even if he doesn’t disappear and gets cremated, there is a certain pearl-like essence which carries the essence of his soul presence as an anchor on the physical plane. But again I would say more than 98% of those are fake.

P : Is Western Paradise of Buddhism a star nation in high dimension? If yes, can you tell us which dimension does it exist?

C : This basically refers to the so-called 6th dimension or the Buddhic plane. It is the dimension of enlightenment, the dimension of bliss.

P : Is Carnivore a form of unique anomaly within quarantine Earth or a necessary role in universal food chain ?

C : It is part of the food chain of certain un-evolved planets, when food is still part of evolution, but on Earth it has been misused by the archons.

P : You have said that the physical universe is co-creation of the Source and Primary Anomaly. Is the 4D also co-creation of the Source and Primary Anomaly?

C : All universes are that.

P : It’s estimated that this physical universe is already 13.7 billion years old. Does it mean that Primary Anomaly has existed longer than this universe ?

C : The primary anomaly existed also in the past universes, in the past cosmic cycles. And it has always existed as a potential. And this potential was manifested during interaction between the Source and the primary anomaly potential, so when universe birthed into space-time continuum, it was with that interaction that it came from potential to reality.

P : Did the universe only exist above the 5th dimension before 3rd and 4th dimensional universes were created ?

C : Yes. Actually higher dimension universes were created before and then lower dimensional universes expanded from the higher dimensional universes, actually matter got densified into lower dimensions.

P : Is Yggdrasil, the tree of 9 worlds in Norse mythology in fact an allegory of a cosmic plasma filament network ?

C : No it’s a description which is similar to the kabbalistic tree of life, and is actually a map of various dimensions in the universe.

P : If time travel is possible, why the light forces did not intervene in the activities of the dark forces via time travel ?

C : Time travel is not as simple as most people think, time travel is only possible when you have entry and exit points in the same level of consciousness, so you would need to have a recipient on the surface of the planet with enough consciousness to receive that assistance. And yes the Light forces are intervening but this alone is not enough to solve the problem of darkness in this universe.

P : Now that the light forces have teleportation technology, are they not capable of deploying a global Cintamani grid by teleporting Cintamani stones worldwide ?

C : Basically what the Light forces need is the surface humanity putting the Cintamani stones with their own energy on the surface of the planet, because what we are healing is the primary anomaly connected with the consciousness of humanity. The Light forces themselves for example the Agarthan network, and the Resistance Movement, have taken care of their own Cintamani grids long time ago and they are just fine. But what is needed is a network of Cintamani stones that is connected with humanity on the surface of the planet. Because the energy that those Cintamani stones receive needs to go to a human energy network.

P : Ah so in some way we are putting out own compression network.

C : Exactly this is what is happening.

P : Does Griffin, the legendary animal, truly exist ?

C : It did exist in Atlantis, and before there were many strange creatures that existed as a result of genetic engineering, and those types of creature still exist but not on this planet.

P : Are dragon families limited to physical plane, or some of them are living in the energy planes of the Earth ?

C : They are both physical and non physical.

P : Does Chinese-style, snake-like dragon really exist ?

C : Those types of dragon entities did exist, especially in various star systems of the Draco constellation, and also they existed on the physical form, and they also existed below the surface of this planet.

P : If the Veil keeps tachyon particles away from the Earth, how can we establish a tachyon grid of Light on Earth ?

C : With a network of Tachyon chambers. And with a network also of each tachyonized product which act as nodes in the tachyon energy grid on the surface of the planet.

P : Is it beneficial to carry tachyonized crystals or bury them into energy points and cites ?

C : Basically tachyon crystals, most of them are meant for personal use, but there are some specific crystals that are actually designed to be put in certain positions and this is already happening.

P : Where and how did the dark forces make us sign soul contracts before our incarnation ?

C : Basically the first soul contracts were signed before we, as star beings entered the quarantine Earth area. Everybody that has entered has signed that kind of contract one way or the other. And then another contract was signed before each incarnation, you need to understand that signing of a contract is not like on the physical plane when you sign a piece of paper, it was more of an energetic agreement, when you said yes to a certain thing.

P : What is the difference between Causality and karma?

C : Causality is simply law of cause and effect, it is purely a physics law, on physical and higher energy planes, if you make a certain action, that will trigger a certain reaction, that’s just the law of physics. Karma is an ideology that wants to spin the reality of causality into something else, and make some excuse, saying that what is happening now is a result of your past actions, when in reality most of those actions were engineered by the cabal and by the archons.

P : Which dimension has Buddha ascended to so far ?

C : At this point he is, I would describe somewhere between 8th and 9th dimension, according to the terminology that I use. But you need to understand that different people use different terminologies for different dimensions or densities.

P : There are many haunting events in human history such as Bell Witch. Do you know the cause behind these events ?

C : Basically haunting events are when there is a certain, I would say, portal opened between the physical and non-physical planes, and many of those managed to happen when certain plasma portals are open, some of them naturally and some of them artificially with technology, because you need to understand that certain very limited groups had advanced technologies throughout the whole human history, and they were using those plasma technologies to open portals through which certain entities could enter from the etheric plane through plasma, and make physical effects.

P : Why these haunting events barely happen after 1990s ?

C : They do happen but most people have different explanations for them.

P : Can you describe the 20 years and back program in secret space program ?

C : I do not agree with that particular part of intel, so I would have a statement that this is not happening. Time travel does not happen like that.

J : Earth and Venus are generally considered as female planets, while Sun and Mars are generally considered as male star and planet. I want to know what really determines the gender of a planet or even a galaxy.

C : Basically, the energy signature of the angelic being which is anchored in a planet, because a planet is usually an angelic being that has a planetary physical body, the sphere is the physical body of a certain highly evolved angelic entity, and those entities can have more male or more female polarities and in the case of Earth, it is more female.

J : Why are golden apples mentioned in many different mythologies ?

C : It is simply a symbol which came from the time of Atlantis, when the golden apple was the symbol of the soul, and gold as a metal was a connection with the spiritual Light of the soul.

J : What is the origin of I Ching and its original purpose ?

C : This is part of the, I would say knowledge that was brought to the planet by the yellow emperor, and from the Thuban culture. And 64 combinations of I Ching are part of the cosmic code for DNA, and those 64 combinations can describe most events happening in this universe. Permutations of 64 combinations is, I would say a universal code, universal language.

J : Oh ok. Very nice

C : Yes

J : How should we create an ascension group ?

C : It is too early now to speak about ascension groups, because the situation is not ready yet on the surface of this planet. When the situation is ready I will give instructions but we are not there yet.

J : So should we establish Ascension groups now ?

C : No, not yet

J : But Event support groups is very ok yeah

C : Yes that’s perfect

J : So ascension group is the next stage yes

C : It is the next stage when people are ready and when the energy conditions around the planet are ready, because if you establish such a group before the right time, it will not grow properly, there will be too many attacks and too many obstacles and not enough effect. Each situation has the right moment, and the right moment for this hasn’t come yet.

J : So the event support groups will become the ascension groups later ?

C : Yes

J : Ok very good. In addition to Larimar, is there any kind of crystal, gemstone or meteorite in alignment with Atlantis civilization ?

C : Aquamarine carries the energy signature of Atlantis

J : Can you talk about the starry stone named Healdsburgites ?

C : This has originated in the Orion star sytem

J : Do you know how to utilize Libyan Desert Glass ?

C : Lybian desert glass is a very unique type of stone, because what it does, it transmutes the negative parts of yourself, the negative parts that you’re denying. It helps you to deal with your inner darkness, and this is only for people who are willing and ready to face their own inner suppressed negative parts.

J : So it’s suitable for people who have a lot of negativity inside ?

C : Only if they’re willing to confront that and heal that. It is a stone that’s not good for people who have too much negativity and they’re not willing to deal with it, it would just make them more unstable.

J : Sometimes, I can feel an invisible energy ball between my palms, and I can feel its contraction when I try to squeeze it. Do you know what this phenomenon is ?

C : Basically there is a plasma current running through the fingers from the meridians, and etheric currents going through the fingers, and when your fingers are in a certain position they can create a ball, a plasma or etheric ball and you can actually feel it, it’s a very real object which happens especially if you’re doing strong special practices this happens much more often.

J : Is it possible for a couple of twin souls to incarnate into two different planets ?

C : Yes this is happening a lot in this universe. Planet Earth is a unique situation where this process is controlled by the archons.

J : It is said that nearly 10 million star seeds have incarnated into the Earth. Do you know how many of them are twin souls by percentage ?

C : You need to explain what you mean. Each person has a twin soul

P : They have a twin soul, but sometimes they are not incarnated into this planet Earth ?

C : Sometimes they are but not very often, and even if they are they rarely meet, and even if they meet there is interference usually which makes it very difficult for them to have any kind of interaction.

J : Ok. And because people ask me about their twin soul, they say maybe our twin souls are not on the planet, they are in starship now or they are in the Pleiades, is this happening ?

C : Yes I would say 95% of people don’t have their twin souls here, not on the physical plane. They are on other locations, in spaceship, or underground, or elsewhere in the solar system, or in the Pleiades, or anywhere else.

J : Ok good, that’s good news ?

C : It’s up to you how you interpret it

J : What does it mean to be a blue ray child or an Indigo child?

C : They are just different descriptions of different types of star beings that have incarnated as children on this planet.

J : What is the origin of star seed ?

C : It is basically angelic beings, we as angelic beings we came from different star systems and incarnated here on this planet.

J : Are there many non-star seed population involving with Event Support groups and ascension meditation ?

C : No

J : So that’s why people are not so many now.

C : Yes actually the percentage of people who are awakened is not very high at this point yet

J : It is said that some star seeds choose to live as single for the sake of their ascension and planetary ascension in this one last physical life. Do you agree with this statement or is this in fact a pre-birth programming to prevent star seeds from reuniting with their soulmates and twin souls ?

C : It is a programming which is preventing soul mate and twin soul reunion.

J : Oh ok. So it means single is not good or ?

C : It can be if it is a personal choice, but in many cases it’s not a personal choice it is an engineered situation.

J : Did Buddha and Jesus reach their own ascension in their lifetime ?

C : Yes they reached their ascension at the time of their death, or I would say transformation, when their public physical life was over they have transferred to higher state of consciousness.

J : Why did these two ascended beings pass away like mortals ?

C : Simply to show an example, and actually Jesus in particular has materialized in his Light body few days after that

J : Ok so when they are alive they are not so-called ascended masters ?

C : After they go through this transformation they are ascended masters

J : Why do most channeling messages have origin in the west rather than the east ?

C : It is simply because channeling in that current form was an invention of the west, and it’s not so popular in the east. And most of this has been commercialized through new age networks and a very small percentage of this is genuine.

J : How can I be sure that a certain channeling message is genuinely derived from a positive high spiritual being ?

C : Simply by using your discernment. A high positive spiritual being will always leave you more inspired, it will never decrease your state of consciousness, it will always improve your condition.

J : How are visions in dreams created ?

C : Your own soul can send you a vision through a dream state

J : Why can some dreams help people solve their problems in their daily life ?

C : Again because it is your soul speaking to you through your dreams when you are not able to hear the message in your awakened state.

J : What kind of spiritual training do I have to take in order to decipher Akashic records ?

C : There are extremely few people that can really do that, despite many are claiming they can do it, actually they can not, so it’s something that usually comes naturally spontaneously after your ascension is achieved.

J : So now is really difficult for us to do that

C : It is very challenging and it’s a lot of training and most people who claim they can do it, they can really not

J : Why can Dalai Lama choose to incarnate into a certain individual ?

C : Actually the institute of Dalai Lama has been hijacked by the archons long long time ago, and they are the ones who determine the incarnation.

J : Can people in other planets remember their past lives after incarnation ?

C : Yes of course

J : Oh. It’s only the quarantine Earth that has this problem, we can not remember.

C : Yes yes, right now this is so

J : What does it mean if we repeatedly run into numbers like 1111, 1212, 222 and 333 ?

C : It is part of cosmic synchronicities, it’s a part of the cosmic web coming from the Source, awakening people through those synchronicities.

J : What kind of healing technique would you recommend to cancer patients ?

C : Basically there are certain clinics around the world who have complete protocols how to heal cancer. Many of them are not very public because the cabal is hunting them down, but there are people who have complete protocols created. They are not simple but healing cancer is something that can be done and I have contact with people who are able to help in that area.

J : Ok. Is it useful to program DNA with the intent of self-repair when doing a healing session ?

C : This can help if it is done in the right way with the right amount of consciousness

P : Ok the next part is about planetary liberation. As you said before, if one single human can liberate Planet Earth by connecting with his full I AM presence, why St. Germain did not liberate our planet by summoning his I AM presence 200 years ago ?

C : Basically he was not aware of the planetary situation enough, but even though he was not aware of this enough, he had a huge impact on the western civilization which is still being felt and will be felt. So to have a complete success in that mission you need to be aware of many facts that he was not aware of at that time. And also the situation was not ready.

P : If we deliberately build a tachyon healing chamber onto a leyline, will tachyon flow through the whole leyline ?

C : Yes

P : Given the fact that Israel holds a key code of Light of Atlantis, how should we activate this code for the sake of New Atlantis ?

C : Ok, it is not time to do that yet because this is a very sensitive area, and this will happen basically at the time of the Event and after the Event

P : I’ve found that burying cintamani stones can tackle the cabal’s activities via various private foundations. Hence, please name five foundations or NGOs which we lightworkers should intervene ASAP.

C : Ok it would be much easier to go on internet, search for Soros funded organizations, and that will be a very good guess. And of course you can add world health organization, united nations type of organizations, and you will have a huge list there.

P : It’s been almost four years since Light forces initiated operation Pandora. Should we do etheric liberation meditation few more times to speed up the process ?

C : Basically what we would need is to increase the number of people who are meditating on sundays, but I have released that because it is simply not enough cooperation on the surface of the planet for this to happen, so the Light forces are now using plan B which takes longer but is more secure. And this is one of the reasons why all of this is taking so long.

P : How should we establish an area of Light in our neighborhoods ?

C : Basically first you need to have a group of conscious people who are able to cooperate in a team, this is step number 1. I would suggest formation of groups of conscious people who can work as a team, who can work out all inner disagreements, and when enough of those groups are established, the next phase of creation of areas of Light will be released. Before simply there is no point in doing that, because that is the foundation.

J : Ok now is last part, about the post-Event issues. Can lightworkers or star seeds work on the starships or Galactic Confederation after the Event ?

C : Yes of course at a certain point, when there will be enough interaction and when we’ll go through a certain process, they will be able to live on the ships or work on the ships.

J : You mean right away or very soon after the Event or ?

C : This will take some time because there needs to be an integration process. But this doesn’t need to be too long.

J : Oh not too long ?

C : Maybe a year or so, that’s my guess for the first people from the surface to start working on a ship. But that’s just a very very rough estimate.

J : Ok. So after First Contact or ?

C : After First Contact gradually yes

J : After the financial reset, many listed companies will be obliged to buy back their shares. What should these companies do if they don’t have enough cash or capital to complete such settlement ?

C : Many companies will go bankrupt, and only the healthy parts of companies will remain, so the part of the company which can show that they are able to produce something valuable will remain, and the other branches of those companies will simply be forced to go bankrupt. And this will be used to purge the companies of all the bureaucracy, and all the cabal-based activities.

J : What is the price standard for such buy-back plan ?

C : You need to reformulate, what do you mean by price standard

P : In order to buy the stock, you need to know the price of this stock, so when the companies engage in their own back-up plans, what kind of price are we referring to when they do such settlements ?

C : Ok the price will be determined by various factors, one of the factors will be the current stock value on the stock market, then it will be the index of the health of the company, there are various indexes which determine how the company behaves and how it is operating, it will be quite a complex algorythm which will be agreed upon and this will determine the final price of the stock.

J : After the Event, when will all advanced technologies become available to the surface population ?

C : Humanity is not ready for all technologies, certain races have technologies which are far more advanced than anything you can possibly dream of, humanity will receive the next step that it’s able to integrate, and then certain individuals will receive more. But I would say the quantum leap that humanity will experience will be enormous, it will be great. But still humanity needs to go through an inner process of spiritual growth to receive the full benefits of the transformation.

J : You once said the First Contact will take place one year after the Event, can we shorten such time gap by introducing all kinds of advanced technologies, including those being used in secret space program ?

C : This one year plan already includes this, and I would say the main problem here is not the technology, the main problem is the human consciousness. After the Event people will need to understand the relation between consciousness and technology, and only spiritually mature beings will have access to more technologies. Because otherwise this creates a disbalance which can be misused.

J : Will incarnation cease to exist after the Earth completes its own ascension ?

C : Incarnation will only be an option for those who wish to experience it but most humanity will not be existing here on this planet after Earth completes its own ascension.

J : Will the night sky change drastically after the Earth completes its own ascension ?

C : Yes it will change a lot because the photons will not be the carriers of information anymore, because when we look now in the sky we are looking into the past, because the Light takes a while to travel from various star systems to the Earth. But then the tachyons will be the carriers of information, so you will see the sky as it is right now in this very moment, which is a little bit different from what you see when you look up in the sky at night now.

J : So we will see more and more stars in the sky ?

C : You will see as they are right now, not as they were at the time when the Light left those stars traveling to the Earth

J : Can all surface population reunite with their twin souls after the Event ?

C : Not immediately but gradually this process will continue. Again I need to say that the process of spiritual evolution for humanity will not be instantaneous, it will take some time. It will be very fast but not everything will happen overnight.

J : Many lightworkers would rather wait for post-Event healing technologies, rather than learn any healing technique from now on. What is your comment on such issue ?

C : I would strongly suggest everybody to live in the present moment, and not be waiting for the Event, because if you are waiting for the Event, your life will get frustrated and boring and always waiting for the moment of the Event to come. If you live your life in the present moment, and actively are involved in speeding up the process, then your life will be full and very interesting, and then when the Event happens you will be more prepared.

J : Ok great. Will advanced healing technologies replace healers after the Event ?

C : Not completely because there is always a human element that exists in a healing process

J : So the healers still can major in their healing technology now

C : Yes healers will assist a lot. And there will be a huge need of healers in the first few weeks after the Event

J : Ok good. So now it’s still at red alert ?

C : Unfortunately yes

J : Is the situation better ?

C : The situation is improving slowly but the Light forces are still on red alert. The situation has not been resolved but it’s improving slowly, it’s going really slowly but yes it’s better.

P : We are in the very last mile in the planetary liberation, Cobra do you have anything to say, to encourage people or anything to add on ?

C : I would say a few things. The first one is, I would ask everybody to hold the vision, to know what you want to create, hold the vision. And the second thing is to learn to cooperate in a team. These are 2 key factors at this point, that we go through this particular phase to the next one.

P : Ok thank you Cobra

J : Thank you

U : Thank you

C : Thank you, Victory of the Light

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