
"A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. RTC Call with Jared Rand" by ChangeComing! 19.11.2017

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"A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. RTC Call with Jared Rand" by ChangeComing! - 11.19.17

Entry Submitted by ChangeComing! at 8:54 AM EST on November 19, 2017

Suddenly -- on an unscheduled RTC Call last night with Tank, Fisher, Dr. WC, and callers who were encouraged to vent -- appeared a New Insider/ Intel Provider.

Because of the Heavy Hitters involved -- and the quiet authority and sincerity of this New Voice -- I want to assume this is Truth. (And truly hope it is!)

In terms of providing HOPE and a FUTURE, the RTC Call last night, Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017 was The.Best.Call.Ever.

Anywhere. Anytime.

It started out and dragged on as a depressing and negative call. (It's been hard on us all!) There was a LOT of furiously articulate ranting from Tank and Fisher about all the RV/GCR delays and pump-fakes.

Then, at 2:29:29 -- Everything CHANGED!!I

Because, a True White Hat Insider -- who clearly and deliberately identified himself as JARED RAND [of RAND McNally, Sperry-RAND, and RAND Corporation......] came on.

He stated he has been allowed/chosen to finally speak to us.

Starting at 2:29:29 will be a half-hour of The Most Amazing Inside Intel you have ever heard. Just listen. You Deserve this.


Praying that it's TRUE,



"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Jared Rand!" by Sierra (NZ) - 11.19.17

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 3:20 PM EST on November 19, 2017

"A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. RTC Call with Jared Rand" by ChangeComing! - 11.19.17

Wow, wow, wow! Jared, you have no idea what thirty minutes of your time has done for this weary lightworker.

I have worked so hard for the Light on this planet for over thirty years. I have spent years writing a daily blog, and many months writing positive posts on IDC. Yesterday I just plain ran out of steam. I was tired, flat and sad all day. The sun was shining, which always lifts my spirits, but nothing could raise my vibration.

I went outside last night and berated my galactic family in the stars. Why couldn't they do something to help me? I needed help!

Well, my prayers were answered this morning. Spirit sent the cavalry. Jared, your talk on the RTC has changed my life. I now KNOW I can do this thing. Yesterday for the very first time, I thought I couldn't do it. I actually said the words out loud, 'I don't think I can do this any more, God, I am too tired.'

I am sure that thousands of lightworkers are feeling like me after listening to that talk - inspired, hopeful and even proud that we survived and made it to the finish-line.

Yesterday I felt isolated, alone and misunderstood - a stranger in my own town, country, planet. Today? I feel immense joyful gratitude for this opportunity to serve humanity.

God bless every one of you...and especially Jared, bringer of the best news we could possibly hear.

Love and Light

Sierra (NZ)


"Jared Rand Intel 'It's Time'" by Jackie Stermitz - 11.19.17

Entry Submitted by Jackie Stermitz at 1:43 PM EST on November 19, 2017

We are now figuring out nothing in Dinarland, when it comes to Intel, happens without purpose. It was obvious the frustrated energy (invited by Fisher and Tank) was snowballing on the RTC last night when Jared Rand (who delivered his name pointedly - with purpose) appeared to appease/inform the masses. I have listened to his words a few times. Why? Because, like many of us, I have become disgusted with the obvious puppet masters pulling the strings of dinarland "emotions" behind the curtain- feeding us tidbits here and there to either distract, agitate or inspire our continued vigilance, keeping us tuned in for the slightest hint of release, using us to test the waters and so on. I was curious as to what this person's message, and purpose, was at this stage of the game. What I got out of it in a nutshell - it's been years and years coming - there are bad guys and good guys - there are "off-worlders" - there is unlimited wealth - the task is more than monumental - everything is highly compartmentalized - arguing occurred before he was "allowed" to call in and, as he said, he was allotted a certain amount of time - the exchange will be no big deal - we are the ones we've been waiting for - ie., it's up to us to help change this planet - AND "It's Time!". None of this is new to the majority of us - the "awakened" - who have hung in there through thick and thin, going broke, losing homes - losing loved ones, enduring ridicule when sharing this event, etc. etc. So, why did this man's words make such an impact on, likely, most of us on the call? Because he AFFIRMED everything we already know deep within and inspired us to keep on keepin' on. Simple as that!

If you haven't listened -listen! If for no other reason than to affirm you are NOT delusional for staying on this crazy path.

And to Jared Rand - you disappeared pretty quickly when questions started. This was disappointing - maybe understandable given the nature of your message, but if this goes on longer, it would be productive if you "re-joined" the conversation because a threshold was crossed last night. And I believe those behind the scenes sensed this, as did you, that those of us who are "awakened" AREN'T GOING BACK TO SLEEP. What does this mean? It means we - the "awakened" - take back our power and push this over the finish line because in your own words "It's time"!

Jackie Stermitz

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