
Arcturians Tell Earthlings To Do Something Fun, When You Ask For Help

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Arcturians Tell Earthlings To Do Something Fun, When You Ask For Help

Now many of you are very familiar with asking for help. You’ve asked your guides, Source Energy, archangels, ascended masters, and all sorts of other beings to help you with a particular situation in your lives. But once you ask for that help, you also need to bring yourself into alignment with the energy that you’ve asked for. To let it in means that you have to let go of the problem that you are facing long enough to let your vibration raise.

Now, one of the best actions that you can take is to go do something fun. Do something that you love to do, and do it for no other reason than that you love to do it. And you will let down your guard. You will let go of your resistance, and you will let in the energy that you will use to co-create the perfect solution, or the perfect solutions, to all of your problems.


Oct 24, 2009 – They recall the incredible size of the craft: the typical Mother Ship, anything from ten to a hundred miles or more in diameter, seemed like an entire planet, and indeed many of the ships’ Earth guests departed without ever having fully explored the complex and fascinating craft which had been their home.

It is interesting that humans have so much fear of extraterresrials, meanwhile, they’re having lots of fun in those ships… especially the ones who are here on behalf of heaven… from heaven’s point of view, the lower the frequency, the less powerful you are… on earth it doesn’t seem that way, because of the matrix.. where basically humanity has made up all sorts of rules that are not true, just to suit humanity…

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Indian in the machine

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