
Mysterious Object Appears Out Of Nowhere On Titan, Saturn's Biggest Moon

'Magic island' appears out of nowhere on Titan, Saturn's biggest moon, then quickly disappears

Scientists are baffled by images of planet-like Titan's second largest sea, which appear to show an island materialise then disappear A giant mysterious object has mysteriously appeared out of nowhere in one of the hydrocarbon seas on Saturn's giant planet-like moon, Titan, only to later disappear. 

Described as a bright "transient feature" by scientists, it is not clear what the object is, or how it appeared there. Theories include that it could be the result of waves or bubbles, or even buoyant solid matter. The sea had appeared flat and completely devoid of features, including waves prior to 2013. 

But then the object, dubbed "magic island" by scientists, suddenly materialised before vanishing in later images. The object was spotted in Ligeia Mare, Titan's second-largest sea, by radar images. 

Read more here: http://tinyurl.com/mnuns9b 

Provided by Corneil University 

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