
The November Shift is Now – 1111 ALL LOVE -- (1 + 11 + 1 (2017 = 1)

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November is a truly beautiful time to re-remember the essence of the energy of 2017. Not only is today a powerful portal for your purpose, the whole of November being an 11 month, will be holding a huge space for self-mastery and all things magical.

2017 has been a year of diving deeply inward to hear what your heart has to say; to feel your way forward intuitively, with sensitivity, trusting in Divine outcomes outside of the drama and illusions. 1111 is about spiritual awakenings and beginnings, all held strongly in the vibration of love. All of November will continue with you pioneering pathways of change, heartfelt change.

The full moon looming will lead the dance of new directions in beautiful, soft and gently nurturing ways because the presence of Taurus is grounding great abundance for manifesting love on all levels. Love for who you are, love for your purpose on this planet, love and gratitude for the little things that illuminate your day and love in all relationships.

There is a lot of love for you to shine and share and there is romance in the air. Earth Mother’s light is healing broken hearts, disillusioned hearts, raw and sensitive hearts and opening them to new possibilities of partnership. Through your suffering there has been great learning and now sacred seeds are sprouting, pushing through old beliefs and patterns to lift your life with harmony and happiness. Many single souls will come together and those in relationship will feel fresh winds of change, this is a time of creation, co-creating in rich and rewarding ways with Source energy that prospers and empowers you.

Today is a radiant reminder that you are a spiritual navigator of your soul’s Divine plan… below I have included an excerpt from a previous article I have written on 1111…it is relevant, and you are ready….

“now with Love illuminating your Light Body, you see your radiant heart and feel the full embrace of the feminine aspects of your most sacred self, softening your spirit. You feel flexible and connected to the river that runs deep, you re-remember your Divinity, you Shift your perception and pathways appear.

It simply does not matter where/who/how you have been; or what negative beliefs you have allowed to box you in; or what choices you have made (or didn’t); what matters most is that you have raised your awareness to a level of learning and understanding that there are many doorways directing you on your map of magnificence and 1111 (or any other variations in sequence that speak to your soul) is your confirmation of this creative capacity within you…you are living the Love Revolution!”

So this November LOVE OUT LOUD and you will feel radiant and ready for 2018…the year of Receiving. Be blessed Soul Travellers…all love.

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