
Isis Astara Memorial Video 432Hz

Isis Astara has reported to have left the physical plane after a critical health issue at the hospital.

Let us send her and her family much love, compassion and healing during this time: 


You can read more about her work on the surface of the planet here: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2017/0... 

Music Credit: Enya - China Roses 432Hz 

"Who can tell me if we have heaven, Who can say the way it should be; Moonlight holly, the Sappho Comet, Angel's tears below a tree. You talk of the break of morning As you view the new aurora, Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven, One love carved in acajou. One told me of China Roses, One a thousand nights and one night, Earth's last picture, the end of evening Hue of indigo and blue. A new moon leads me to Woods of dreams and I follow. A new world waits for me; My dream, my way. I know that if I have heaven There is nothing to desire. Rain and river, a world of wonder May be paradise to me. I see the sun. I see the stars."

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