
3.24 - Spending Bill/McCabe/Q Castle&Hillary Vid/LV Shooter Video/Pole Shift News

Today's Links: 

Magnetic Reversal Speeding Up | S0 News Mar.23.2018 - https://bit.ly/2DUYAyY 

Craigslist, Reddit Shut Down Personal Ads In Wake Of Sex Trafficking Bill - https://bit.ly/2G2jstN 

Spanish police break up Nigerian sex trafficking gang - FBI Informant Speaks, Says Feds Asking New Questions About Clintons - https://bit.ly/2G9iTKR 

McCabe defends himself against firing in Washington Post op-ed - https://bit.ly/2GhCRGu 

The week Facebook's value plunged $58bn - https://bbc.in/2G7DW0q 

John Bolton reportedly set to fire dozens of White House officials amid leaking problem - https://washex.am/2G0XQhw 

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