
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - May 6, 2018

[GoogleÜbersetzung in deutsch hier]

Good morning once again. Where to start?

Let us begin with greeting you from the heart and allowing this communication to flow, perhaps without agenda?

And yet, so many are still keen to hear about The Event. One soul said it was like a TV drama … ever awaiting the next episode!

It is ever unfolding and we choose to assist by offering ways to Enlighten your Beings, in order to keep the momentum and spirits High.

Such strength in the Energies … flowing in/through … to your Planet. You can feel this strength within your Being, also. For that which flows into your Planet … flows into your Being. We would say it is One and the same.

However, this day we would desire to speak of matters of a different kind. Yes, you are aware of Energies, within and without. Yet, we ask you to now LISTEN.


For there lie the answers to the posed questions. Listen to your heart and only YOUR heart and allow its rhythm to ‘teach’ you. Allow it to stretch your imagination … for it is in doing so, that Greater recourses are discovered.

There has always been talk of going within and listening to the self. Is it the ‘feeling’ we are listening to? For contrary to popular belief, there ‘aint no voices inside my head!

It goes beyond that, Blossom.

Beyond feeling? What? How?

Because we are asking Each One to take their KNOWING further. Take it more deeply into the grid of understanding ALL.

Eh … like … Sure! A few pointers would be good.

By taking your beliefs into a different space.

One tries to relax into the self … to find the space where all is quiet and find that ‘no-thing’ within the mind’s quandaries.

To connect up with Source … Divine Energy … is as simple as plugging in your technical equipment … from which you see immediate results. The Light comes on and you can ‘see’ that you are … wired into/tapped into … the circuit … for want of better words.

To VISUALISE doing this from your Being … connecting into that HIGHER POWER will do the trick … initially. Yet, we then ask you to GO BEYOND THAT. Once ‘plugged in’ … ACCEPT … TRUST … and ALLOW the flow to take place. Do not search … do not listen for a voice …simply allow the knowledge that you are ‘connected’ … to do 'its thing.'

What is ‘its thing’? I know we are told to go within, instead of upwards or outwards. Yet, I personally find that quite difficult to visualise and I am ‘apparently’ good at visualisation. So, not at all promising for those who are not. How do we get there … within?

By letting go of Earthly binds.

With respect my friends, many who read your messages are well into meditation and are aware of such methods … and yet, I feel there is something more you are trying to ‘get through’.

You are correct.

When you say, for instance … ‘Go into your heart space. Take your focus to your heart space’ … well, I can do that. I just ‘think’ into the place where my actual physical heart is. Yet, are we supposed to visualise it as the organ it is? Or, as I tend to do … visualise it as a Golden Heart shaped Light? And then … how are we supposed to ‘Get in it’? Yes, we can visualise opening a door etc. etc. Yet, how do we REALLY, REALLY, REALLY get into that KNOWING space inside of ourselves, yet, outside of the Earthly physical restrictions ?

This is what we are trying to assist you with, Blossom.

Oops! I jumped the gun there. I apologise.

Unnecessary to do so, Blossom. We work together.

Without the pumping of your heart, without the pulsating of it, as the rhythm of life flows through it … the physical body cannot continue to function. Should the heart stop beating … then all else within the body ceases to be.

Therefore, we would say it is the 'Central System' … the 'Central Station' from which ALL IS. If something out of the ordinary is taking place … the heart beats faster. If there is excitement. If there is Joy. If there is the experience of great sadness … it can be FELT in this ‘space’ where the heart is … because OF it Being the main port, if you like … because all else stems from there. Therefore, all FEELING amasses within the 'Central Station'.

Yet, I heard, and it felt ‘right’, that the majority of ‘our spirit’ resides in the gut?

Upon this, we would agree. Yet, it does not mean that ALL FEELING has to come from this area/arena.

And let’s be honest … to express of the heart exploding with Love, is far more romantic than the gut doing so! So, what actually does it mean … the ‘majority’ Being in the gut? For, if thinking about it … my spirit feels more in my head sometimes. (Other than heart.)

Your thoughts are in your head. Your soul sense (sensitivity) is in your gut.

The soul, Being a Light within the gut? Just exactly how is the soul represented physically within us?


I thought you wanted to speak of matters of a different kind … not being rude … just saying!

It is not that we cannot bring Energy into this discussion. For ENERGY … IS … all there is. Very little chance of it NOT being involved.

So, if we could see ourselves, the spirit, the soul inside of us … what would it look like?

ENERGY! LIGHT ENERGY! And THIS is where we ask you to take yourselves.



YOU ARE LIGHT IN ITS TRUE FORM … residing within flesh, bones and a million other workings of the body. It is miraculous, without question. Yet, it is a vessel. Without YOU within it … it cannot hold form.

You require this vessel … to experience life on Earth.


Please re read that sentence … for it is of TRUTH and it is important that you understand its meaning.

The undercurrent of negativity that flows within and without yourselves and the Planet, is designed to hold you back from THE POWER OF LIGHT THAT YOU ARE.

These times NOW, are bringing about THE CHANGE. THE CHANGE within YOU that KNOWS the possibilities of what can be.

Well, to a certain degree. I know we ‘could’ teleport… receive instant healing … grow limbs even … is this what you mean?

Indeed. Yet, so much more … MAGIC!


Within THAT KNOWING … there is the recognition of all possibilities being possible.

It is our desire to bring you ever closer to this FEELING. This acceptance of what your TRUE SELF … TRULY IS.

We can KNOW this. We can believe you and KNOW this, yet … there seems to be many bits of the jigsaw lost under the carpet! What is it that we are missing? Because, although I KNOW this to be TRUE … I am nowhere near experiencing it.

Yet, you are! All of you are becoming closer to it. You can FEEL how much you have changed within yourself. You can acknowledge the Higher Power within you NOW. It is different from even this time of year that is behind you.

Assuming you mean this time last year! Yes we are changing/have changed. Yet, I still don’t feel anywhere near close to putting my finger on a wound of another and watching it heal instantly.

Have you tried?

LOL … Remember I taught you that acronym (get me!) last week? In answer to your question, No, I haven’t.

Why not?

I see where this is going! Because, I KNOW it wouldn’t work! Receiving your point loud and clear!

Let us continue on to make the point even louder and clearer, if we may? Is it because of the belief in yourself that it would not work or the belief in general?

In myself! In general, I completely KNOW it can be done.

So why do you, or indeed anyone, feel unworthy of completing such a task?

I don’t necessarily feel unworthy … I just don’t feel capable! Perhaps I would put it that I am not Enlightened enough yet.

Yet, another strong point in this conversation. What … would it/will it/does it/should it/could it … take, for you to feel Enlightened to the degree of KNOWING that you ARE capable of this?

Giving it a go and it working! Another little LOL for you. I don’t know! This is MY point. This is where we are trying to get to, is it not? Trying to get to that Inner Knowing that we DO have the Power to heal with one touch.

Yet, you say you KNOW it is possible. How do you know?

An Inner Knowing! (You guys are so clever!)

Then WHY … ON EARTH … do you restrict this Inner Knowing to work only for those who KNOW IT! When YOU KNOW IT?

I don’t know what the actual ‘Inner Knowing’ is! That’s the missing piece, I am talking about!

The piece is not missing. It is not lost. It is staring at you in the face and yet, you are looking under rocks and stones trying to find it.

Ok. Staring me in the face … still can’t pinpoint it.

There … in front of you Blossom … right in front of you.

WHAH! Where? Where?

Do you see what we are saying? It is not missing. It is not lost.


KNOW THIS … KNOW THIS TRUTH and fit the piece into place. Do you know of that feeling when a last piece of a puzzle is put into place? That feeling of completion? Visualise your puzzle and place the last piece in.

Do I need to visualise the picture of my puzzle?

No. For … by/in … doing so, you would be restricting your knowledge to that image. Perhaps, just see it as a picture of nothing but Golden Light.

No wonder it took me so long to do!

Again we offer the wisdom of VISUALISATION. For in completing the puzzle, there shall be an acknowledgement within you, that you have found that missing piece and placed it in position. Done!

Now what?

Now you practise your KNOWING of Self - Mastery. A Master spends lifetimes perfecting the self-knowing of Truth. One cannot become a Master without the experiencing over and over of something, in order to understand it and ‘Master it’. Yet, Mastery cannot ‘come’ without … faith in/of … self-Godliness.



You know some folk will immediately unsubscribe now! (Another LOL )

Blossom, may we say after working with you for a great length of time … we find the LOL to be an unnecessary additive … for your humour has already Enlightened us.

Point taken on board and understood!

For those who are uncomfortable with the word God … as you once were, Blossom …

Oh, very much so!

We offer plenty of LOL’s to their Beings. For when they BECOME comfortable with this word … they, themselves, will Laugh at the fact they were once uncomfortable with it.



You do not serve your soul by telling yourself you are ‘less than’.

I believe you recently said that it was a bit of an insult to self, to do so?

Only to get our point across. And we feel we have done so today … and happily ready to continue in/on another session.

Holy Moly … we have done a rare thing and gone about half an hour over time. Not that I mind. It is just unusual.

We ask that one reads this particular message over and over … allowing the ‘Energy’ of the words to ‘sink in’ and BECOME your reality.

There is indeed, much to absorb and we are excited to see THE CHANGE within Each One … as they place the piece of the jigsaw into position.

In loving thanks guys! Time for a cuppa I feel. And you are saying, I could boil the water with just a thought.

Are we? Or, are you?

It matters not. All things are possible. Yet, I might leave that for an experiment down the line!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

Website: Blossom Goodchild

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