
Pleiades 1 Messages June 3 2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Platinum delivering packages in soon linear.

The Palestine Line: line lighting in progress: 3% (non-regressive). The Light Celebrates!

*Asghar manifested! Immediate support to PVSE! Projections/Anchoring started: 27% (non-regressive).

Sector 66Stil in final dismemberment. Finishing in soon linear. 22% (non-regressive).

Attention *Hérga, The Sorceress! Projector support for illumination initiated: 12% (non-regressive).

New wave for DNA Recalibration sent. Attention supporters, immediate anchorage! 29% (non-regressive).

“Knots” awaiting LINES unification. Indicative beacon still misaligned. (10).

*”Scampur Exes, Emus Scampur!” Manifested and authorized! Reverberation 47% (non-regressive).

Zero i entering visionary alignment. Immediate reverberation in PVSE and the like. (2)

Guardians deliver Special Master Protocols.

Russian VP (Vladimir Putin) receiving Special Protocols for exact sequence.

End of Transmission

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector)

P1 ruft Terraner zur Ursprungserkennung auf! Achtung für Anrufe in PVSE / SdE !!

Platinum liefert Pakete in Kürze linear.

The Palestine Line: Linienbeleuchtung läuft: 3% (nicht regressiv). Das Licht feiert!

* Asghar manifestiert sich! Sofortige Unterstützung für PVSE! Projektionen / Verankerung gestartet: 27% (nicht regressiv).

Sektor 66 Bis zur endgültigen Zerstückelung. Finishing in bald linear. 22% (nicht regressiv).

Achtung * Hérga, Die Zauberin! Projektorunterstützung für Beleuchtung eingeleitet: 12% (nicht regressiv).

Neue Welle für DNA-Rekalibrierung gesendet. Achtung Anhänger, sofortiger Ankerplatz! 29% (nicht regressiv).

"Knoten" warten auf LINES Vereinigung. Indicative Beacon immer noch falsch ausgerichtet. (10).

* "Scampur Exes, Emus Scampur!" Manifestiert und autorisiert! Nachhall 47% (nicht regressiv).

Zero i tritt in visionäre Ausrichtung ein. Sofortiger Nachhall in PVSE und dergleichen. (2)

Wächter liefern spezielle Masterprotokolle.

Russischer VP (Wladimir Putin) erhält spezielle Protokolle für die exakte Reihenfolge.

Ende der Übertragung

Plejaden 1 (Verstärkender 8. Projektor)

Item in Glossary:

Pleiades 1 Messages

On this page we will report the daily messages of Pleiades 1.

We’ll try to keep them updated as much as possibile. Some of these messages are quite cryptic while others seem clearer. On the website we do have few explanations for some terms and names, thoese will be highlighted by a link.

We will try to provide as many as possible explanations, but given our limited available resources it will take some time (some donations would be welcomed).

Transmissions will be in chronological order. We are eager to know if this initiative seems useful or at least interesting so we would expect some comments.

Quelle: https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/

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