
[1.24] State of the Union / Protests / Mainstream Media Layoffs / Anti-Vaxxers / Future Space

Today's Links: 

BREAKING: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS Protest Failed Socialist Regime in Caracas - https://bit.ly/2WdcE0W 

Trump Delays State Of The Union - https://bit.ly/2RP089a 

Nancy Pelosi Signature Tweet - https://bit.ly/2HxvkoM 

Backpage/Perkins Coie Tweet - https://bit.ly/2FXKC3W 

More than 1,000 media jobs lost in one day - https://bit.ly/2WhtN9D 

Trapped in a hoax: survivors of conspiracy theories speak out - https://bit.ly/2FYS66D 

Suspicious 0bservers: Earth Catastrophe Cycle - https://bit.ly/2HF6Wl4

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