
The Final Disclosure: A New Year's Eve EXCLUSIVE with COREY GOODE | Edge of Wonder

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This is Part 1 only! Make sure you watch Part 2 on Edgeofwonder.tv this Thursday Jan. 2, 2020!

What a better way to spend the New Year's Eve 2020 than with the man, the legend, the Goode Guy, Corey! On this special episode, and last video of 2019, we invited Corey to talk about what's been happening recently with the censorship, FISA reports, investigations, the future and Cosmic Secret!

Donate to Corey: https://www.paypal.me/CoreyGoode

Corey's personal exclusive online classes: https://www.acceleratingascension.com/
Sphere Being Alliance YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SphereBeing...
Corey's Twitter: @CoreyGoode

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