
Shekina Rose: Angelic Star Tribe Chant/Language of Light Activation Transmission/Angelic DNA Healing Music

https://shekinarose.com/ (5: 29 mins) {Angelic Star Tribe} Star Races Chant Prayer contain stellar activation codes of the language of light Music of the Spheres of the Angelic DNA to awakening Cosmic knowledge, where there as been an increased openings of the Angelic realms of Light.

💗🌹Shekina Rose sings in a frequency healing language of the Music of the spheres an angelic language that she was attuned to after her Near Death experience. It is a sacred technology of frequency. Her voice was studied by science after her NDE that found the lost ancient solfeggio miracle frequencies and codes of Creation in her vocals. Prior to her NDE she had never sang in her life. Her mission is to share the lost frequencies of song sound activation transmissions from the Higher Realms the lost aspects of our Humanity the Divine Angelic Human.

💙💙Hear more of the Miracle Frequencies Language of Light transmissions on spotify streaming and download 💓https://open.spotify.com/artist/1antk...

💗💗💗💗 Beautiful Angelic Star Tribe Blue Ray/Sacred Water "Shine Your Light" Sacred Technology Language of Light Jewelry https://shekinarose.com/store/

💗💗💗For donations are so appreciated thank you 🌹https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Sheki...

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