
Explosion beim LHC?

In einem Kommentar zu dem grossen Erfolg der weltweiten Event- Meditation auf Cobras Blog, habe ich folgendes gelesen:

as NUCLEAR FIRE as UFO Monitors” –
CERN Scientist Details.

Published on 22 Nov 2015CERN EXPLOSION & FIRE ACCIDENT “as Nuclear Explosion” Scientist’s DETAILS and IMAGES Nov 20, 2015 publish date.

CERN Geneva, Switzerland has had a SIGNIFICANT ACCIDENT incolving a Super-heated gizer and “MELT-DOWN” …Scientists thought the Collider systems were TURNED OFF whereas they were still Operating!!! The strangest aspect of all this is that NOTHING was reported by CERN or MASS MEDIA. And Stranger still is the appearance of a very LARGE BRIGHTLY-LIT UFO hovering above the CERN facilities after the ACCIDENTAL EXPLOSION …Many believe it could have been there to “assess the Damage!?!” – Scientist Patty Brassard give detailed explanations with CERN IMAGES…of this UNBELIEVABLE ACCIDENTAL EXPLOSION which she states is similar in destruction DEVESTATION to a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!

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