
Gavin MacFadyen - Professor für Investigativen Journalismus und Director bei WikiLeaks ist tot!

"Schmeißen Sie das Handy weg": Gavin MacFadyen, Professor für Investigativen Journalismus an der City University London

Dies ist der dritte Tod innerhalb der Organisation seit April. Assange twitterte sein Bild bereits heute ohne eine Erklärung. Später kam dann die Nachricht, dass Gavin Macfadyen heute gestorben ist.

Er war ein brillanter Mann, ein Verteidiger der Wahrheit und ein Meister des wahren Journalismus. Bisher wurde keine Todesursache veröffentlicht.

Gavin MacFadyen arbeitete in England, Mexico, Russland und vielen weiteren Ländern, er enthüllte Folterskandale, Medizinskandale, Kinderarbeit, Atomschmuggel. Der Professor der City University London ist eine Ikone des investigativen Journalismus - aber ohne Whistleblower hätte er das meiste nie erfahren.

Sein Tod wirft viele Fragen auf....und ist ein unglaublicher Verlust...

Ich wünsche seiner Familie in diesen schweren Zeiten viel Kraft und Mut...

Hier ein Interview, dass Gavin MacFadyen dem Stern gegeben hat:


Ein Nachruf von Susan Benn auf tcij.org

Over his lifetime Gavin was a fierce defender of justice and human rights around the world. He was a warm, caring, larger-than-life person who, as many will attest, engendered love and respect from all who met him. His life and how he lived it were completely in sync with the principles that he held dear and practiced as a journalist and educator – to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Gavin founded the Centre for Investigative Journalism in 2003 to address the worsening media climate for in-depth, sceptical and adversarial reporting. Over the next 13 years he helped train thousands of reporters from over 35 countries, many of which are places where journalism is under attack and those who speak out are at enormous risk. His students have gone on to great things in their careers and can point to Gavin as a mentor and inspiration. He has touched countless lives; his steadfast support for whistleblowers and journalists working in difficult environments has saved and given succor to some of the globe’s most threatened individuals and groups. He was the model of what a journalist should be.

Gavin was one of life’s bravest, most passionate and courageous souls. Prior to CIJ, as an investigative journalist, Gavin produced and directed more than 50 investigative documentaries, many for Granada Television’s World In Action. They covered countries as diverse as Britain, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Guyana, South Africa, Mexico, Hong Kong, Thailand, the US, Sweden, India and Turkey. He was banned from Apartheid South Africa, the Soviet Union, and attacked by British Neo-Nazis because of his films. The volume and quality of his body of work is unparalleled.

His loyalty to those under attack from powerful forces, particularly whistleblowers and journalistic groups like Wikileaks, will remain a beacon for years to come.

His commitment to exposing the true nature of power was his life force. He spearheaded the creation of a journalistic landscape which has irrevocably lifted the bar for ethical and hard-hitting reporting. Gavin worked tirelessly to hold power to account. He once said “Good journalism is always political journalism.”

We want to catalogue all the memories and stories that people have about Gavin on our website. Please email GavinTributes@tcij.org with your thoughts, stories, anecdotes, photos, videos, interviews, and anything else about Gavin that you want to share. Help us celebrate this wonderful, unique, and inspirational human being.

On behalf of Gavin’s family and many friends,

Susan Benn

Hier die Meldung von Heavy.com:
Gavin MacFadyen has passed away. The Centre for Investigative Journalism tweeted the news about its founder on Saturday, after WikiLeaks created a stir when it tweeted a photo of MacFadyen without any explanation. How did the highly respected investigative journalist die?

Here’s what we know so far.

The Centre for Investigative Journalism posted an article on Saturday, October 22, about MacFadyen’s passing.The Centre did not, however, mention a cause of death. Wikipedia briefly had an edit which said he died after a “short illness,” but that edit was later taken down. MacFadyen founded the Centre for Investigative Journalism in 2003 to address a worsening climate regarding in-depth reporting and journalism. He trained thousands of reporters around the world and mentored many who went on to have amazing careers. CIJ describes MacFadyen as “one of life’s bravest, most passionate and courageous souls…” CIJ’s article goes on to read:

His loyalty to those under attack from powerful forces, particularly whistleblowers and journalistic groups like Wikileaks, will remain a beacon for years to come.”

MacFadyen’s passing fueled conspiracy theories from some, who were concerned about WikiLeaks’ supporters following rumors about Julian Assange and news that his Internet connection was cut at the Ecuador Embassy. However, it appears — based on a few tweets shared before his death — that MacFadyen might have been suffering from ill health.

Quelle: http://heavy.com/news/2016/10/gavin-macfadyen-cause-of-death-how-did-the-journalist-die-wikileaks-rip/


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