
Sandra Walter: New Moon Weekend - Let the Inner Light Prevail

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

I had a visit from a huge White Horse and white foal in dreamstate last week. The Mare circled me, wild and free and joyous. Then she allowed me to pick up and protect the foal as trucks and people came closer with busy-ness. The three of us went through several doorways, then I held the foal in my lap as it slept peacefully (it was very small, a newborn). The experience was so lucid, so beautiful, and contained strong medicine symbols for Ascension, Trinity, Christ consciousness, removal of the old, arrival of the New.

Hearts up for the weekend Gates: October 29-31 is on the radar. Create responsibly, please. Polarities reach extremes during this passage; parent your attachment/engagement with them. Finding our voice and true power presents in stronger ways. Be wise about what lessons are presenting for you individually, and for the collective empowerment. Use your skills to assist rather than divide.

New Moon SUNday holds emergence frequencies; a great shifting opportunity for those on the Path to find the authentic Self and the Next New unfoldment of your personal journey.

I will be in Zion National Park opening Gates during this passage (how perfect). More work in Nevada after a brief visit to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. What a powerful phase this is for all of us, I wish you all the love and divinity this passage has to offer.

In Love, Light and Service,


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