
Greenpeace: TISA LEAKS (Nov. 2016)

Greenpeace Netherlands has published fresh leaks and an in-depth analysis of parts of the closed-door TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) meetings in Geneva. The analysis throws the door open to wide-ranging discussions which runs in direct opposition to both democracy and agreements set out at the climate negotiations in Paris last year. The new set of secret TiSA negotiation documents amongst which the annex on transparency causes great concern. Widely unnoticed by the public and negotiated in secret, some of the leaked TiSA documents are subject to a five-year ban on publication after signing of the deal.

You can download all the documents below, as a whole and per chapter. For more background info on the content of these documents and TiSA in general, please check here.

Analyses of TiSA documents November 2016:

Greenpeace Netherlands – TiSA Factsheet

Greenpeace Netherlands – Analysis of the TiSA Annex on Transparency

Netzpolitik.org – Comment on Data Protection in TiSA

Analyses of TiSA documents September 2016:

Greenpeace Netherlands – TiSA: Another Secret Free Trade Agreement putting the Paris Agreement in a straight jacket

Global Justice Now – Secret trade documents leaked – Global Justice Now response to #TiSAleaks

Public Services International – After TTIP deal upended, leaks call TiSA into question

BEUC The European Consumer Organisation – Negotiators must take trade in services deal palatable for consumers

European Digital Rights – TiSA leaks set alarm bells ringing

International Transport Workers’ Federation – ITF maritime sections’ assessment on the TISA Annex on Maritime Transport Services

Third World Network – Localisation provisions analysis – preliminary update

Quelle: https://ttip-leaks.org/favez/

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