
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 03, 2017

It need hardly be mentioned that matters on Earth are speeding up and already the coming changes are bringing out mixed reactions. Unless you can see beyond the immediate happenings it is very difficult to understand the necessity for much that is taking place. The aim is first and foremost to prepare you for Ascension, and encourage you to maintain a peaceful outlook regardless of what is happening around you. The cleansing will at times cause upheaval, but it is necessary to lead mankind to a higher level that is desirable if real progress is to be made. People are waking up to what has been happening and becoming aware of the Illuminati’s plan. The real power lies with the people and they are beginning to exert their influence, and it will make a marked difference.

Currently there is a shift of power from the authorities and it is up to you to seize the opportunity to make your voice heard. They know that you can bring anyone down if you so choose, therefore they will take note of your demands. As time passes, decisions will not be made without the consent of the public. However, sight must not be lost of the ultimate aim to lift you into a higher level of consciousness, so that you are fully prepared for upliftment. Already the energies are increasing at a quicker rate and there is no reason why you should not be able to lift your consciousness at the same time. Stay focussed and do not allow yourselves to be distracted by what is happening around you, even if you encounter chaos. The changes will not take long to materialise the benefits, so look ahead to the desired outcome.

The higher forces are playing a greater part in your future, and without going against your freewill choice are directing you along the path that leads to fulfillment. Nothing can now stop progress towards your goal, because as a collective consciousness you have already chosen the course to be taken. It may not be every soul’s choice, but those that chose another path will also be honoured. The end of this Solar Cycle will be a time of celebration as so many souls will have succeeded in raising their vibrations in preparation for Ascension. The opportunity will come around again, but does not preclude a soul from ascending at any given time if they are ready.

Many souls will be utterly confused or even worried at the events taking place. When chaos seems to be everywhere as the foundations of the old Age are crumbling, it is difficult to see what is rising up on the new horizon. Come it will regardless of any action to delay or prevent it from happening. The old has served its purpose and soon you will make up for lost time, having been held back and denied the new technologies that would have seen you already some 50 years ahead of where you are now. However, the needed changes cannot be held back any longer, and many souls await the right opportunity to be released from their earthly experiences.

Come the time when you learn of the Illuminati plans for the control of Man, you might rightly assume that their demise could not have come at a better time. People will be shocked to know what was planned for your future, as Prison Planet Earth had progressed to the point where you were could be individually monitored from Space. Yes, any person could be picked out and even their conversations followed. Advancements in technology have happened so quickly that it could be truly said that you are living and working in the past. You could already have been living in a disease free environment and live totally independent of the many devices you still use. So once you can be advanced into the New Age all of the advantages of it will gradually be made available to you. At present you are slaves to your work and have little time for personal pursuits, but as you are beginning to understand you will gradually become free and have ample time for all of your interests.

Your lives upon Earth have in no way been a waste of time, as because of the tough challenges you have experienced you are ready to help out others who follow in your footsteps. As souls gather various experiences they sometimes specialise in certain areas, and become Masters in their own rights. But no experience is ever wasted and there are always other civilisations following in your footsteps needing help. You have been hardened in battles with the dark Ones and now stand victorious even although they have not yet finished. As you move into the higher dimensions there will be others who wish to share your experiences and benefit from them. Bear in mind that you willingly dropped down into the lower dimensions to help those trapped in them, knowing that your help would see them through.

Some souls cannot believe that they volunteered to drop down into the darkness to help souls trapped in it. You certainly did, and would not have been selected unless you were considered suitable for the tasks ahead. There is much satisfaction in helping your brothers and sisters find the Light, and thus start on their journey back home. You are all One so what could be more natural than wanting to lift them up. Think of your own situation and the help you get from your Guides, without which you would take much longer to evolve. Everyone faces the challenges together and whether you believe it or not, there is always help nearby but there may be reasons why you must follow through with your own experiences. Your life plan will have already been discussed with you prior to incarnating, and your Guides will do their best to ensure that you follow it.

Life on Earth can be wonderful and exhilarating, or miserable and painful yet all is experience that will serve you well some time in the future. It is obviously your experience that counts when you are helping another soul to overcome problems. There is absolutely nothing that can compare with actual experience, and you are to be thanked and commended for such generous use of your time. Service to others in duality is the way in which you evolve very quickly, particularly in your present circumstances when there is a large degree of uncertainty and little sign of the future changes that will lift you up.

Most of you are seasoned travelers who are open to suggestions as to how best use your talents. You are in fact Masters in your own rights who are used to meeting the various challenges that evolving souls face. Another time you may choose different experiences as it is you who makes the ultimate and final choice. Clearly life is more peaceful and relaxing in the higher dimensions to which you are returning.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


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