
Equinox Gateway is Open ~ Meg Benedicte ~ 20 September 2017

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We are currently experiencing the aftermath of August’s life-changing cosmic events. The recent Leo Solar Eclipse caused a global shift in power that is shaking up status quo. There are those rising in new positions of authentic leadership, while others driven by ego grandiosity fall away.

There is a sense of restructuring occurring at all levels of life. What requires dismantling and rebuilding in your world? Since the March Equinox, there has been massive decomposition of the human hybrid genetic codes and patterns, outdated or destructive timelines and distorted beliefs/emotions. With 5 bodies in Virgo including last night’s New Moon, there exists the opportunity to create order out of chaos!

Amidst all this rebuilding arrives the Equinox Stargate on September 22nd. After 6 months of decomposing, the Libra Equinox launches the extraordinary rebirthing of the galactic crystalline light body. Adding to the mix is another solar flare expected to arrive on Friday, triggering another magnetic field adjustment. We are the Children of the Sun…our time has arrived!

During the Equinox Gateway when the sun aligns with the equator, it reduces polarity in earth’s electromagnetic field. While we pass through these heightened threshold moments, you may feel super-sensitive to the charged energies involved. The seams between dimensions stretch and open, allowing more access to the higher realms. It is an excellent time to strengthen your connection to spirit and clear away old baggage that has been holding you back.

We are not the only ones feeling new birthing pains…NASA posted new images of unusual activity in the Virgo constellation: https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2016/hubble-catches-a-transformation-in-virgo. As our solar system travels deeper into the photon band, expect the unexpected. There are some conspiracy theorists who claim Sep 23rd is the end of the world, the final day of Rapture, and/or the day Planet X will slam into Earth.

Although many would welcome the world ending on Saturday, I don’t think our work is done yet. We’re almost at the finish line, why quit now? I feel creation pulling on our heart strings to get off the couch and become more active in building the New Earth. Follow your heart, you are being called to fill the vacuum void with new healthy living. During this challenging time of upheaval, we send our love to all in harm’s way, via floods, storms, fires and earthquakes. You are in our prayers!

When we join together with singular focus, we form a united ‘Group Mind’. I will be broadcasting a ‘live’ event this Friday while the Equinox Gateway is open, so that we can work on shifting the world into a new direction. We will be doing both personal and global activations to rebirth new crystalline code, sacred geometry and a harmonious timeline.

Step into the Quantum Vortex and transform your reality with ancient Alchemy and loving intentions. Join other Light Warriors around the world for our Equinox Stargate Global Activations on September 22nd. Register at: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=119281



Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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