
MAJOR X8.2 Solar Flare & CME - R3-Strong Radio Blackout in North & South America

An X8.2 X-Ray flare (R3-Strong radio blackout) occurred on 10 September at 1606 UTC (1206 ET). The source region was Region 2673, now located just around the visible disk. This R3 event produced a rapid increase in relativistic proton levels which are currently above the S2 (Moderate) threshold.


X8.2 Solar Flare / Radiation Storm
 A major X8.2 solar flare for a parting shot?

This event was just observed peaking at 16:06 UTC around region 2673, now located off the west limb. A Strong (G3) level radiation storm is now in progress as particles ejected outwards following the blast stream past Earth. Another massive coronal mass ejection (CME) is visible in STEREO imagery, but will be mostly directed towards the west.


MAJOR SOLAR FLARE AND RADIATION STORM: Departing sunspot AR2673 erupted again on Sept.10th (1606 UT), producing a major X8-class solar flare.  Protons accelerated toward Earth by the explosion are swarming around our planet now, causing a moderately strong solar radiation storm.

A pulse of ultraviolet and X-radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, triggering a shortwave radio blackout over the Americas. That blackout is now subsiding. However, an even stronger blackout of shortwave radio communications around the poles is still underway.


Clips, images credit: NOAA/SWPC, NASA/SDO, ESA/SOHO & STEREO

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