
Spirit Science 33_6 ~ Plant Based Food

Hello there, and welcome back to the wonderful world of plant food! Don’t worry, the next Qabalah episode is coming up soon, but in the meantime we felt it was important to continue some of the other series we have too!

Plant food, while a seemingly simple topic of conversation - is one that there is not a great deal of education on in the world, at least in the United States. Because of that, this video builds upon the previous episode of nutrition by going over the basics of what is encompassed in the category of “plant based food”. Ultimately, this video and the last one are building blocks to really talking about healing the body with Raw and Superfoods, and the discussion about the challenges we face in the modern agricultural and food industries. Thank you so much for watching, and we’ll see you next time! 

For the full video description and sources, check out our website: https://spiritsciencecentral.com/plan... 

Intro theme by Morgan King www.morgandavidking.com Support our studio https://www.patreon.com/spiritstudios 

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