
Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - December 16, 2017

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With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Each year during your season of holy days, the boundless goodness in your world is reflected in the sharing by those who have, with those who have not. Generosity, caring and compassion impart light in abundance, and in these days at hand Earth is aglow as never before.

In previous messages we have said that your year 2017 ends the decade of delay in Earth’s peoples advancing spiritually and consciously because some souls reneged on their agreement to join the light forces after creating the circumstances that let masses of souls experience chosen karma. Now we shall put that into the context of what has happened to date and what is forthcoming.

Very few individuals were enlightened when Earth still was mired in deep third density only 80-some years ago. The profusion of light from other civilizations that enabled the planet to begin ascending was available to all of her residents, and volunteers came from their homelands to generate light as members of the society. Persons who responded by awakening started radiating their own light, and the increasing amount on the planet kept stirring others to open their hearts and minds. And so it was that throughout the decades the numbers of enlightened souls slowly, steadily grew. Henceforth, the numbers will swiftly increase until the light swells into a “love revolution” that encircles the globe and Earth’s Golden Age can begin to bloom in glorious fullness.

A recent email evoked the thought that other lightworkers also may be pondering this: “I truly want to be a good lightworker, but I can’t send love or light to people who brutally treat other people and animals. Please don’t tell me, ‘They’re the ones in our universal family who need it most.’ I know that. I don’t know how to separate who they ARE from what they DO. Is love in a metaphysical or spiritual sense different from the love that is natural to feel for family and friends?” In a sense it can be, but love, which is attributed to spirit, and light, which is attributed to science, are one and the same energy so there is no actual difference.

However, while energy cannot be divided into “light” and “love” compartments, it can be expressed both ways and experienced both ways. Most simply stated, light is experienced as visual illumination and love is experienced as the feelings of persons who are dear to each other, but other facets enter into this. Energy is cosmic consciousness that continuously is drawing in what every soul in existence does. Energy is neutral; each streamer is given direction by the intention attached in thoughts and feelings—when the intention is visual illumination, your sense of vision perceives light provided by Sol or electrical lighting fixtures; when the intention is love, that sensation is provided and actions based in love follow naturally. The universal law of attraction brings back more of whatever intention is sent forth in energy streamers. And, love is light within radiating its god-self, the pure love-light essence of Creator, and the amount radiated is in accordance with the amount of light within the soul.

The dark ones became lost in internal darkness, they are devoid of light within except the spark that is their life force. The intentions attached to their thoughts and feelings come from that deep void, and the darkness they send forth keeps coming back to them. Only light can fill the void and engender actions created in love. It is on behalf of all life on Earth that we have urged you to send love-light to those individuals—by transmuting the low vibrations of darkness into love’s high vibrations, darkness is done away.

Shortly after my mother and I started conversing, she told me she couldn’t separate her thoughts about people who caused terrible suffering from her feelings about them. We hope that what I told her will be helpful to the reader and others who may feel the same.

Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone out of the darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure, wouldn’t you? Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and foundering. Do not think of them as their deeds, but rather what you want for the world! Think of kindness, helpfulness and justness and sharing, think about the world’s people living in harmony, peacefulness and love and send those thoughts to those souls in darkness.

Dear family, never underestimate your power to “light up the world”!

“I heard that beneath his kindly demeanor, Pope Francis is an evil man who works for the Illuminati and sides with neo-Nazis. I’m not a Catholic, but it’s hard for me to believe that could be true.” It is not true. This is what is true: Pope Francis has encountered relentless opposition from the Illuminati because he is doing his best to oust or demote cardinals who are high in their ranks; end sacrificial rituals—the Vatican is the international headquarters of Satanism; make the Vatican’s immorally amassed monetary fortunes available to uplift the lives of the impoverished; end centuries-old dogma devised to control the masses; and he exemplifies the spiritual aspects of the religion—love, compassion, empathy, humility and forgiveness. All of that is completely contrary to Illuminati interests and intentions. Pope Francis’ only connection with anything Nazi is his desire to return to the rightful owners the art treasures stolen by WWII Nazis and hidden in the Vatican.

“I never heard of parallel and possible worlds before Matthew mentioned them in a message. What are they and do they have any importance?” Although we werespeaking about those worlds with reference to Earth, how you create your personal worlds is the same principle and very likely of greater interest because they do have importance. You initiate a parallel world each time you reach a significant fork in the road, so to say—perhaps what vocation to pursue, whether to attend college or apply your aptitude for a specific endeavor, what kind of company to work for, whom to marry, how much of earnings to save, where to relocate.

Let us say that you have received two good job offers. As you think about what each job entails and contemplate which is more likely to lead to the future you want, you put forth considerable energy into both. Energy cannot be destroyed, and that which you put into the “fork not taken” continues a course that is logical for what had transpired prior to your decision. The course is given further direction and momentum by the energy of your subsequent thoughts and feelings such as I’m sure I made the right choice by not taking that other job. Or, If I had accepted that other job, I’d be working overseas and could travel and learn more about the world. Or, I wonder if that other job would have been as stressful as this one. All of the energy you put into “that other job” before and after your decision creates a parallel world in keeping with the energy you generate, and it is the same with all other “forks” you encounter.

None of your parallel worlds becomes part of your lifeprint in the Akashic records, but none of the energy in those numerous worlds that are unknown to you consciously is wasted. It is recorded in a separate system where it can be used beneficially in this lifetime as subconscious helpers with your chosen karmic lessons. Applicable aspects of your parallel worlds can serve equally as well as could a “future” physical lifetime wherein you choose to work on mastering those lessons. And there can be no confusion as to where the assistance goes. Each soul’s unique registration in the frequency airwaves of the universal mass consciousness is permanently attached to the soul’s Askashic records and to its parallel worlds’ recording system, and from the latter, energy streamers flow flawlessly to the soul wherever it is experiencing a physical lifetime.

There are two major differences in parallel and possible worlds. First, possible worlds are completely within your conscious awareness and can lead to probable worlds and on to a certainty. Let us use as an example that you think about going on a trip. As you give this more attention—where to go, when, and how to budget the expense—the world of possibility becomes probability and so it remains unless it reaches certainty, your departure. Second, energy streamers in parallel worlds are much stronger than those in possible worlds. When an idea about a trip goes no further than a few passing thoughts, those form a weak streamer that wafts around until it meshes with a pool of energy awaiting attachments to give it direction.

“Will the human-looking ETs you said are ‘special forces’ keep that appearance after they identify themselves or will they shift into their ‘real’ bodies?” It would be difficult for most people to believe individuals are from other civilizations just because they say they are, so it is likely that they would introduce themselves in their recognizable form, then shift into their native homeland bodies so the change could be witnessed. Afterwards, we think they would do whatever is most comfortable for everyone working with them. We add that part of evolving consciously and spiritually is accepting differences in peoples’ physical appearances as naturally as those differences in flowers and animals.

You may discover that you and some of the visiting extraterrestrials have the same ancestry. A member of one of the many civilizations that are helping Earth spoke about familial relationships in her presentation. Mother, please copy that part of what Agnes said.

My civilization was partly responsible for the populating of Earth in its earliest seedings. We always have held most dear not only the humans living within this atmosphere, but that paradise of a homeland selected for your breeding and experiencing. It was intended that someday we would reunite with you in all glory and recognition, but there has been no attempt on your part to encourage such a reunion. This is from fear and loss of memory, and it does not change our relationship, it does not lessen our love and brotherhood. So that tells you most clearly why we are here at this time of severe changes. ….

Our purpose is to reunite with those souls who came from our own beginnings. All souls here are precious in God's regard, so we do not denigrate one soul and uplift another arbitrarily. It is as if a family on Earth called in the cousins and aunts and uncles so all are under the grandparents' roof for reunion. It is a natural selection, is it not, and you do not feel it is necessary to invite all who may pass by the roadway beyond? So it is with our mission and purpose. Yes, of God, in all ways and always. [Those excerpts from the chapter “Agnes,” which I received in 1994, are in Revelations for a New Era.]

Thank you, Mother. Beloved sisters and brothers, we are with you in unconditional love and joyous spirit during your celebratory season of religious services, uplifting music and festivities with family and friends. Greet your new year with gratitude for blessings in your life, excitement about benevolent happenings on the near horizon, and peaceful feelings—peace in the world starts with peace within.


Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

[Note from Suzy: Best wishes for a very merry Christmas and heartwarming times throughout the holidays.

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