
12.25 - DoD Confirms Q/Assange Twitter/UFO Distractions/Cabal Symbolism in Plain Sight

Today's Links:

Real Time Q Thread - https://goo.gl/aYkVZR 
U.S. D.o.D. Tweet - https://goo.gl/bmjfL8 
Julian Assange Twitter - https://goo.gl/CYzBkc 
U.S. Navy Assange tweet - https://goo.gl/oAZPQp 
Newsweek UFO article - https://goo.gl/GDxpU6 
Independent UFO article - https://goo.gl/69P4oi 
CNN: "Syrian Baby Lost Eye To War" - https://goo.gl/iXwBjn 

. . . Sign up for the “Disclosing the Secret Space Program” Webinar here!! - https://goo.gl/cBvjnE 

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