
12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs

Today's Links: 

QAnon on RT - https://goo.gl/Dn4jc2 
Myself on the Infowars War Room - https://goo.gl/m5UABr 
Trump "Human Trafficking Prevention Month" - https://goo.gl/sgM5Pc 
Sealed Indictment Update on Twitter - https://goo.gl/RWjWh7 
Haiti's ex-prime minister investigated for corruption - https://goo.gl/msU2rB 
Rape, sex trafficking and the spread of disease on the U.N.’s watch - https://goo.gl/dqxtVH 
Donald Scott: AIDS & Weaponized Mycoplasma - https://goo.gl/dPmYeB

. . . Join me for the "Disclosing the Secret Space Program" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - https://www.secretspaceprogram.com/ 

Twitter: @destroyillusion 
Snapchat: @destroyillusion 
Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion

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