
12.31 - Twitter Debacles(Liz Crokin!)/False Flags/Iran Fallout/Imran Awan & More

Today's Links:

Liz Crokin Twitter - https://goo.gl/UeXWEh 
Colorado Shooting - https://goo.gl/MUQrLx 
Houston Shooting Thwarted - https://goo.gl/SxUDzW 
Jack Posobiec Twitter - https://goo.gl/ULJzce 
Trump draws attention to Awan - https://goo.gl/1Jg2jG 
Awan's cut a deal? - https://goo.gl/fZLyTc 
Pratt & Whitney Craft - https://goo.gl/GK64qa 
Coordinates for craft: 26º55'42"N 80º20'24"W

 . . . Join me for the "Disclosing the Secret Space Program" Webcast on January 27th. 

Twitter: @destroyillusion 
Snapchat: @destroyillusion 
Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion

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