
Solar Wind Stream Hit Earth's Magnetic Field-Sunspot From the Next Solar Cycle is Turning Into View

A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on March 31, sparking dynamic auroras around the Arctic Circle. The amazing green glare of Northern Lights came as a surprise to high-latitude skywatchers. A geomagnetic enhancement (Kp4) is currently in progress.

The solar wind stream is flowing ~500 km/s from a southern hole in the sun's atmosphere. The hole is wide enough, just barely, to give us an additional day of elevated solar wind speeds. Arctic sky watchers should remain alert for auroras when it's dark outside.

A sunspot from the next Solar Cycle is Turning Into View A new sunspot is emergingin the sun's northern hemisphere. Its magnetic polarity identifies it as a member of new Solar Cycle 25. If the sunspot lasts long enough to receive an official designation, it will become the 4th numbered new-cycle sunspot this year, a sign that Solar Cycle 25, while still weak, is gaining steam.


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