
January Chat and Channel with Blossom

Your Donations Received are such a Blessing. Thank You. http://PayPal.Me/RainbowLight444

Cornelius Christopher. https://www.coherencehealing.love/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RFeM...


EES (Scalar Energy screens) https://www.eesystem.com/

https://quantumhealingnoosa.com.au/ (Noosa) 

The Healing wand. https://www.iteracare.app/ https://terahertz-device.com/iteracar...

Now You Can Get TRIBE OF LIGHT T-Shirts For Our Tribe, Here: https://TheLightHasWon.com/shop

*We Also Want To Be TRANSPARENT About The Shop For You:

The Tribe of Light Collection is priced to leave a modest margin. So that means, for example: A US$22.17 sale costs US$18.03 to manufacture, and leaves US$4.14 for Blossom and Joe to split. That's a whopping $2.07 each, which means we might be able to save enough to buy a t-shirt ourselves! We Thank You So Much For Your Support! 

And If You'd Rather...

Your Donations Received are such a Blessing. Thank You. http://PayPal.Me/RainbowLight444

And if you would also like to Send a Thank You directly to Joe... https://TheLightHasWon.com/Thank-You-Joe

Joe's Channel - https://YouTube.com/EnlightenMewithJo...


To Lookup Topics on Blossom's Website, Watch This... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgDOY...

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