
Schumann's Resonance (14.3Hz) | The Earth's Heart Beat | Binaural | NĀDA : DAY 27

Schumann's Resonance (14.3Hz) | The Earth's Heart Beat | Binaural | NĀDA : DAY 27 of Sound Healing Journey. This is a binaural audio, so headphones are recommended.

If you are looking for longer sleep track, we have created even soothing reverbed version of this track which is now available in the app. Also, entire series can be streamed without interruptions and ads for free in the app. https://meditativemind.page.link/mmapp.

Music in this track : This soundscape has been designed using Harp and choir ambience and some experimental sounds such as beads on the hang drum to create ocean effect. Recorded and Produced in Meditative Mind Studios.

Audio and Music are copyright of Meditative Mind. ⓒ ℗ 2009 - 2023 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved.

Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted.

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