
Laptop von US-Agenten mit geheimen Informationen zu nationaler Sicherheit gestohlen

In New York haben Unbekannte ein Notebook entführt, auf dem Daten in Angelegenheiten der nationalen Sicherheit der USA gespeichert waren. Dem TV-Sender ABC News zufolge befand sich der Laptop im Wagen eines Geheimagenten. Außerdem sollen die Informationen auf der Festplatte die Ermittlung gegen die Ex-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton behandeln, die ihr privates E-Mail-Konto in dienstlichen Zwecken benutzt habe. Mittlerweile wird nach dem Computer gefahndet.

Bislang waren die US-Geheimdienste nur mit virtuellem Diebstahl konfrontiert. So erschütterte die Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks am 7. März die Welt mit tausenden neuen CIA-Dokumenten. Diese belegen, wie umfangreich das Arsenal der US-Regierungs-Hacker ist, die auch von Deutschland aus agieren. Es dürfte die bisher größte Enthüllung zu staatlichen Hacks werden.

Fürs Erste veröffentlichte WikiLeaks mehr als 8.000 geheime CIA-Dokumente. Weitere sollen folgen.

BREAKING: Secret Service Agent’s Laptop Containing Trump Tower Floor Plan and Hillary Email Probe Stolen in NYC

A laptop computer containing floor plans for Trump Tower, information about the Hillary Clinton email investigation and other national security information was stolen from a Secret Service agent’s vehicle in Brooklyn, police sources told the Daily News.

It has been a bad week for the Secret Service. First an intruder breached security when he jumped over the fence at the White House making it all the way to the south Portico entrance. A few days later, Secret Service agents took a selfie with one of Trump’s grandsons which prompted an investigation. Now this…

Via Daily News:

Authorities have been frantically searching for the laptop since it was stolen Thursday morning.

Some items stolen along with the laptop — including coins and a black bag with the Secret Service insignia on it — were later recovered.

But the laptop, along with other documents described as “sensitive,” were still being sought.

The thief stepped out of a car, possibly an Uber, on a street in Bath Beach and stole the laptop from the agent’s vehicle, which was parked in the driveway of her home.

He was then seen on video walking away from the scene with a backpack.

The agent reported the laptop contained floor plans for Trump Tower, evacuation protocols and information regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Isn’t it strange how a laptop containing Hillary Clinton’s e-mail investigation in it was stolen? It seems like people errr things magically disappear when the Clinton’s are involved.

The Secret Service has been under poor management for years now. It is time for an overhaul of the agency.

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