
Diffuse Negative Energy ➤ Deep Theta Brainwaves | Meditation to Cleanse Blockages 396 Hz Solfeggios

Deep Theta brainwaves music PLUS Solfeggio 396 Hz is aimed to help dissolve negative thinking and cleanse emotional blockages. Deep theta brainwaves have often been associated with helping you with deep relaxation, (entering into a meditative state) emotional stability and help to calm your mind chatter.

Can be listened to with headphones or speakers as we use isochronic tones for this recording.

Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here -- http://www.relaxmeonline.com/free

The Solfeggio brainwaves of 396 Hz have been said to help with grounding, release negative thought patterns, release feelings of shame or guilt and may even help to achieve your desired dreams or goals.

~ Binaural Beats Sounds are a great way to relax deeply, let go of stress and help you go to sleep fast & finally enjoy 100% deep sleep.

© JASON STEPHENSON with Binaural Beats Sounds. Copyright 2017 All rights reserved.

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