
Pedogate: Thousands Protest Outside The White House Over Elite Pedophile Rings

Pizzagate demonstration gathered in Washington DC to demand action on child sex trafficking

A huge demonstration took place in Lafayette Park in Washington D.C. in which crowds gathered outside The White House and demanded action be taken over the Elite pedophilia networks that are operating within US politics.Protesters demanded that the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, that connects high-level politicians to a pedophile ring that serves "Elites" and uses a DC pizzeria as one of its bases, should be properly investigated.Pizzagate, or Pedogate as it has now evolved into, started when WikiLeaks released the emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair, John Podesta, and a crowdsourced investigation revealed what appeared to be secret food-based code words that were being used in communications to covertly discuss acts of child sex abuse.

WE reports: Multiple Pizzagate theorists addressed the crowd in Lafayette Park, standing on a wooden stage decked out with banners with statements including, "We Demand a Criminal Investigation Now!" and "Terms of Surrender: Release All Children."Many of the attendees, some of whom were entire families with kids, carried signs and wore shirts bearing former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's face and messages that claim the Pizzagate conspiracy theory is "not 'fake news."

Saturday's rally happened one day after Edgar Madison Welch, 28, pleaded guilty to two weapons charges for the December incident in which he walked into Comet Ping Pong and fired a rifle as he looked for evidence supporting a part of the conspiracy theory claiming there were underground tunnels through which children were trafficked.On the same day, Infowars apologized to the owner of the restaurant, James Alefantis, for its role in perpetuating the "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory.

President Trump was in town when the rally took place. He spent several hours at his golf club in Virginia before returning to the White House in the middle of the afternoon.

Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/features/818-pedogate-thousands-protest-outside-the-white-house-over-elite-pedophile-rings © Neon Nettle

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