
Mike Quinsey -- Message through my Higher Self -- 10th March 2017

You have been told many times that nothing is really as it seems as you have created your own reality. It reflects exactly how you have understood your needs and how to cater for them. You have also been inspired to seek the best results that will have gradually moved you onwards and upwards at an ever increasing pace. Progress has of course been ably assisted by the incarnation of souls who have been able to inspire you to greater and better things. However, as you all have freewill the final choice has been yours, but those who have ruled from high positions have not always made decisions that have been in your best interests. For century after century you have been subjected to many wars and the resultant death and chaos, that has been coming again and again on the wheel of cause and effect.

However, of recent times a new level of consciousness has become sufficiently powerful to provide the energies of change. As a result the people have spoken and are demanding a new path for Humanity that leads to peace on Earth. You have been made aware of the many demonstrations against the authorities that tend to ignore the will of the people. They will continue to take place until their demands are listened to and action taken. Be assured that you the people have enormous power to affect change, so use it wisely and you will reap success.

Meantime, more changes that will aid your advancement are becoming made known, and many that have been deliberately suppressed will also be unveiled. Progress into the New Age will come regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to stop it. It is becoming evident that you are beginning to identify the shortcomings in various industries that seem to have stagnated, and still living in the past. Much of that is because they do not wish to give up lucrative sources of profit, and in so doing deny you progress into the New Age that could offer you a far better deal. Change will however come whether or not it is welcomed by them, as it is time to move on and enjoy the benefits of improvements and inventions that will lift up the quality of your lives.

With the leaking of official documents you are being given sight of information that the secret services would prefer that you did not see. They are revealing how the people of Earth are gradually being less able to enjoy privacy, and are being spied upon whilst carrying out normal every day functions. Such revelations are made possible through people you call “whistle blowers” who are protected because of their important work. They have revealed exactly what has been occurring and it is important that you know. It shows that secret activities have gone beyond the necessity for them and infringed upon your rights. The more things are uncovered the more you will demand a stop to the spying, and eventually it will be so. In the future when the vibrations have lifted up, there will be no necessity for such methods of control.

By visualising the future you bring it into being, so the more people that know the truth the quicker it shall manifest. The energy of your thoughts is constantly shaping your future, and as time passes it will become essential that you maintain a positive level where such things are concerned. Thoughts are real and have always shaped your future, and as the vibrations lift up will become much more potent. For example you will become healers using your power of thought and even greater things, and that is why you sometimes use the phrase “that faith can move mountains”. In fact in the future your power of thought will enable you to perform instant healing, and with your power of visualisation to also replicate items. You are already creating for your future, so be careful what you wish for as it may come true.

As you begin to understand more about your true potential, so your thoughts will become more specific and purposeful. The more you can see every living form in terms of Universal Love, the more you will contribute to the harmony and love around you. Life becomes a joy and so rewarding that you enjoy constant happiness. Needless to say, it is obviously helped by the presence of other souls who are also of a higher vibration. The cycle that you have just completed is a pale reflection of your true reality, but from here on things are changing for the better as the vibrations continue to rise up.

For eons of time you have had successive incarnations where you have been held down, and led to believe that you were subservient to those in power. However, with your recent awakening you have realised that you have so much more potential that has been held back. Given the opportunity you will now progress at a quicker rate and achieve whatever goals you aim for, with no limit to your ambitions. Naturally since the advent of education for all people, the Human Race has been able to achieve greater and quicker advancements. In time you could be “programmed” for whatever tasks you have elected to carry out, thus saving an enormous amount of time.

It is as well that you learn of how the future for mankind is likely to develop, and in that way you can prepare for whatever path you choose. The opportunities are endless and it is as well to remind you that you will have more than ample time to experience whatever you have planned. The Earth has been a school for those who have aspired to greater things than it had to offer, and it is your experiences that will have prepared you for your intended future.

Follow your own intuition as to the best way to advance yourself, as each soul is unique and has its own path to follow. Some may be very similar and at times you may unite with other souls who are like you. At all times you will get plenty of help and need not concern yourself as to how you will achieve your ambitions. The Earth souls are only a short way along the path of evolution and will get help to make progress as required to continue it.

Once you know exactly what you want out of life on Earth, your plans will become focussed upon success and there is no reason why you should not succeed. All souls get the same opportunity to continue their evolution, and failure does not come into it as you are helped all of the way.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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