
Pre-Adamites in Antarctica Related to Discovery of Elongated Skulls?

Operation Disclosure: Pre-Adamites in Antarctica Related to Discovery of...

Elongated Skull - Image: latinamericanstudies.org

Source: Ascension With Earth | by enerchi

Corey Goode of Spherebeingalliance.com recently tweeted an interesting story about a recent discovery of a massive ancient statue unearthed in Cairo, Egypt. The enormous 26 foot tall statue depicts "Ramses the Great" a pharaoh who ruled ancient Egypt from 1279 to 1213 BCE.

Corey hinted that statue shows a head of an elongated skull, suggesting that the pre-
adamites bodies found in Antarctica may be part of these "elite" bloodlines. As you may recall from research, elongated skulls have been found in Peru, Serbia, Bolivia, Africa, Egypt, to name a few.

Some people believe that elongated skulls are a deformity caused by wrapping the head in bandages from an early age. As the child becomes older the skull shape changes and becomes elongated over time. As this is true, one must ask why were these people wrapping their skulls? Were they trying to mimic, the "elite" bloodline of these ancient astronauts who crash landed on earth and made a home in Antarctica? Did these ancient pre-adamites, mate with humans and establish themselves around the world and become self proclaimed rulers and royals?

Are the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and "Ramses the Great" an offspring of these pre-adamite extraterrestrials?

Here are some additional links to the elongated skull phenomenon that you might be interested in reading......

Elongated Skulls in utero: A Farewell to the Artificial Cranial Deformation Paradigm?


Elongated Skulls Of Paracas: A People And Their World


These Ancient Elongated Skulls Are NOT HUMAN


Continue below for an artist rendition of Corey Goode's account of what he saw when he was observing the archeological dig in Antarctica. The artist rendition is of the pre-adamite ET race that crash landed on earth.

Pre-Adamites of Antarctica as described by Corey Goode

I have also included that article in which Corey Goode tweeted out this morning, bringing to light the elongated skull of the ancient statue of Ramses II.

Massive Ancient Statue Discovered Submerged In Mud In Cairo

An Egyptian worker stands next to the head of a statue at the site of a new discovery by a team of German-Egyptian archaeologists in Cairo's Matariya District.Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images

Archaeologists working under difficult conditions in Cairo have discovered an ancient statue submerged in mud. A joint German-Egyptian research team found the 8-meter (26-foot) quartzite statue beneath the water level in a Cairo slum and suggests that it depicts Ramses II, according to Reuters. The team was working at what was once Heliopolis, one of the oldest cities in ancient Egypt and the cult center for the sun god. Khaled al-Anani, Egypt's antiquities minister, posted on Facebook that one of the researchers who found the statue called it "one of the most important archaeological discoveries."

Continue Reading at ...... http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/09/519488251/massive-ancient-statue-discovered-submerged-in-mud-in-cairo

Modern archeology claims that the mummy of Ramses II can be seen in this photo below.

The mummy of Ramesses II. Photo source

Where is the elongated head? Is this the real Ramses II mummy or did the self proclaimed "royal" bloodlines switch out the bodies in order to hide the true history of humanity?

Finally here is a video of the archaeological dig of the ancient statue.


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