
Secret Presidential Memorandum issued to Declassify Anti-aging & Free Energy Technologies


According to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, President Donald Trump issued a highly classified Memorandum soon after his January 20th inauguration ordering the release of group of classified patents concerning anti-aging and health, along with free energy technologies. The Top Secret Memorandum was sent to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, and due to its classification status it will not be accessible to major media for reporting.

The information received from Goode comes from a senior official in an interagency secret space program comprising the USAF, NRO, NSA, DIA which he describes as the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP). The official, whom he calls “Sigmund”, is investigating Goode’s claims and conducting an “information exchange” with Goode in the process (see Part One).

On March 16, Goode briefed me about his ongoing meetings with Sigmund and/or his two subordinates. The information provided by Goode was originally slated for release in an article, “Endgame 3”, as the sequel to the popular Endgame 2 article and video. However due to the urgency of releasing this information without delay, it was passed on to me to get it out now.

In one of his “meetings” with Sigmund (and/or his subordinates) in late January, Goode was told about Trump issuing a Presidential Memorandum to declassify over 1000 patents from a pool of over 5000. Most of the 1000 patents deal with anti-aging and health technologies, yet some deal with material science and biochemistry and a few involve free energy inventions.

These technologies are widely used in a number of secret space programs, and the patents dealing with these have been repressed under national security orders. The USPTO has issued Federal Regulations that govern when patents are classified on the grounds of national security, and subsequently withheld from the general public:

[W]henever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent is, in the opinion of the head of an interested Government agency, determined to be detrimental to national security, the Commissioner for Patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) must issue a secrecy order and withhold the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires. A patent will not be issued on the application as long as the secrecy order is in force. If a secrecy order is applied to an international application, the application will not be forwarded to the International Bureau as long as the secrecy order is in force.

When a Department of Defense entity or a member of the Intelligence Community consider a patent to be a threat to national security, then the Patents Commissioner will issue a secrecy order preventing the patent from being publicly released.

The current number of patents that have been classified are approximately 5700 according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which matches the information given to Goode by Sigmund.

Source: https://fas.org/sgp/othergov/invention/stats.html

As the above table shows, the number of secret patents that are declassified each year has averaged roughly 0.5 percent annually.


Quelle: http://exopolitics.org/secret-presidential-memo-anti-aging-free-energy/

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