
Ute Posegga-Rudel - UPDATE: YOU MUST GO BEYOND! - March 18, 2017

Dearest brothers and sisters!

There is no way to solve the problems of this world by trying to use its own means!

If humanity wants to come out on the other side, the side of true Freedom, Light and Happiness, we must go beyond the prison of this world in its ENTIRETY. It is our promised turning point!

We are capable now to turn the wheel around, but how many truly understand what it means? Lets grow the numbers of those who understand and change the world by going beyond!

What has become obvious: most of you still seek for solutions within the matrix, not being aware, that "the matrix is everywhere", to quote Morpheus from the movie "The Matrix".

Even spirituality is promoted and lived within this very matrix. It is a never ending mind game of false presumptions, teachings and doctrines that are very hard to see through!

They are by education and deep routed believe systems tightly anchored at the core of your mindset. They build the very foundation of how you view your world. You live with and through them every day, they are programmed into your subconscious and you have come to the conviction that they are the necessary basis of your life without even suspecting that you must question them!

This is because you are heavily identified with them by the deeply imprinted power of others who rule the consciousness of the very majority of our societies. You seem to have lost the capacity to step back, with the essence of your inner true being, being glued to what appears to be real, the so called reality of your daily life.

Of course this is the result of profound manipulation and mind control, weapons that are everywhere. You must recognize them in every detail of your ordinary lives. And you MUST step back as a result and MUST go beyond!

You can no longer fight the 7 headed dragon, because its heads are growing quickly and each slaughtered head grows new seven heads … and most importantly, this fight happens within the matrix itself.

It is about to understand at the core of your being that well meaning ET's and Ascended Masters, appearances of UFO's, "landings", and so on, not even a hoped for better monetary system, which will be still part of the matrix, are the true solution. These beings may be able to give you some nice advice, some inspiration perhaps, but it is you who must walk and not just talk the way. Therefore these benign forces are perhaps a graceful gift (if they are indeed of the true light!) in the process of a humanity that has decided to wake up and enter the true path of evolution and ascension.

Many hope for a better society by trying to change the ruling conditions within the matrix. But it is in vain, as long as the basic conditions remain the same. Like children destroy what they have built with building blocks and then use the very same building blocks to build something different. But the building blocks are full of worms and contaminated with lies, deceit, blindness, separation, un-love and un-happiness. On this basis something radically new cannot emerge.

Therefore it is the building blocks you must put aside and start with a new creation based on a brand new, not yet known "material" that allows for true ascension and change in consciousness.

Many say: this material is love. But love is one of the most abused words and ideas. Love is not just love. It depends on the definition of it. The less developed the consciousness the more restricted the term and understanding of love. In fact, the state of your consciousness defines how you are able to love or to Be Love. And Infinite Divine Consciousness equals Infinite or Unconditional Love. Otherwise, within the matrix, love is just another word for preference.

The hurdle is the childishness of the vast majority of our human brothers and sisters who resist to wake truly up from their illusions, by preferring not to take their destiny into their own hands, but rather are longing to be parented by whoever comes along to fulfill their self-neglecting desire, telling them what to think, to feel, to do, to choose. In worldly and in spiritual terms! Alluring them into their low vibrational or even seemingly "spiritual" cage and rather unintelligent way of existing, and in the worst case, in a robot-like manner. And they are not even aware of this! In the delusion they are free and independent members of their society!

It is a choice, to be a follower, my dear friend. And it is a choice to enter a completely new way of being which is the power of your True Divinity.

The choice for True Divinity is the ONLY way beyond the matrix! It is the only way of true Freedom. Unconditional Love and Happiness.

The choice to follow somewhat within the matrix, even if you think you don't, perpetuates the matrix of domination and control, slavery, unhappiness, falseness, because this IS NOT WHAT YOUR ARE. As you sell yourself to powers that are out of reach of Pure Divinity, but into Which you could grow.

Most people, are not aware that they are captured in the prisons of an artificially constructed world, full of rules that serve the rulers but not the awakening of Divinity of the people. So they think they are just a body that has to fit into a given political and societal structure that does not allow for expansion of consciousness and your True Creativity and Infinite Being. It reduces you to a slave who obeys their masters, falsely convinced you are your own master. This applies also to churches, some spiritual groups and sects.

Unfortunately a great number of lightworkers are not aware that they also serve these slave masters with their ideas and "experiences" of a bit more subtle worlds and by consider them to be their identity. Because it is the subtle worlds, full of colours and nice feelings and icons, even with some sacred geometry, decorated perhaps with sentimental love feelings, that hold them back from growing into their true Divine Nature, being consoled by transient appearances. Do not forget, also the slave masters are using the subtle worlds and fake light to confine and dominate you. But you are NOT even some subtle appearance in the worlds of creation.

So what do you choose? There is no middle way. Either you go beyond or you get stuck in the matrix that ties up the bag each day a bit more. At some point there will be no escape possible anymore.

Not even into the subtle worlds because also they belong to some sort of the matrix.

If you want to be truly FREE, you have to go entirely out of the whole box. The gross box and the subtle box too! They are the prison of imagination and ideas. There you are vulnerable! It is the infinite world of mind in all variations! As long as you choose to merely live there, you are prone to manipulation, to wolves in the skin of a sheep, deceit, error and downfall. Mind is mercury, it comes in all shapes, forms and colours, it can come as the liar in disguise, the thief in the night and you don't recognize it in the belief it is what you hope it is. But in reality nothing is at it seems!

To go beyond is dying to this world of the entire matrix!

Yes, the matrix is familiar to you! You have been growing up in it. Your belief systems dwells on it. Your ideas belong to it. Your life is running in it. Everything is the matrix. This is what you need to realize, everything!

So who are you "without" it! This question is not correct though, as separation is only a false idea! It arises from a limited point of view. Going beyond is an all-inclusive act.

Although it is your birth right, going beyond needs courage. Going beyond the matrix reveals the Glory of Infinite Existence, Love and Happiness. It is better to use your mind to serve this purpose, instead the purpose of the matrix.

There, in this untouched, pristine Domain, no slave master can reach you, manipulate you, influence you. It makes the matrix crumble away, non-existent. And it is the ONLY way to make this happen. Not revolution, not fight, not regret, not waiting for somebody to save you. And no attempt to make the matrix "better", because better or worse, it still remains the matrix.

Understand: YOU are the matrix. YOU are all beings and things. Divine Consciousness IS EVERYTHING, YOU are everything! But you must choose whether you want to enjoy Eternal Freedom or ongoing slavery, allowing The Supreme Consciousness of your Divine Nature to remain hidden and confined in your unconscious.

Therefore, there is nobody and nothing to save you. No matter how the "external" world appears to be. YOU must choose to go beyond. There is no other way. It is the way of the hero. But this is what humanity is: a hero if we choose our true destiny.

How to go beyond you may ask. Is there a simple and easy way? Can it be done on a weekend, doing a seminar, reading a book, doing some exercises, using mantras, training the mind.

Certainly anything may help to get more clarity where you stand. But certainly it does not happen on a weekend.

Ultimately there is NO means, no magical tool of and in the matrix to set you free!

But why give up! Even the hope that it should be 'easy' is a trick of those who you allow to rule over you. To disempower you! So that you falsely think you are a weak consumer of spiritual things, and as such believing you are unable to intrinsically BE what you ARE. What a blasphemy has been put upon you! Look how you betrayed yourself!

Of course, dear friend, we ALL have the power and strength to go beyond because the Divine Seed lies in every heart.

To peel off the false skins you are still identified with, is the work, purification called otherwise. The way of burning what is fake. In fact your whole existence is a fata morgana, if it is not dedicated to the Truth. It must be burned. You cannot just wrap your matrix into something spiritual that you can buy on the market!

It is the burning fire you must accept and love so that your Shining Truth can finally come forward, as the One Who Is Eternally Free.

What is the new "material" then, if not the rotten blocks of your childhood? It is not some sort of ideas and imaginations, some colorful visions or perhaps some kind of feelings. It is made of a fabric that is very REAL.

It is the Eternal and Indestructible Substance of your Heart that is freed from the rubbish of the matrix by the fire of purification. It is your purified heart that gives way to and opens up to the Transcendental Divine Reality That Is the Source of All Beings and Things. The new building blocks are made of its new clarity and purity, joy and impeccability.

On its clear ground a new radiant world arises effortlessly. It is the other world, - infinitely beyond and untouched by the matrix. It is your True Divine Destiny.

With Love and Blessings,



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