
Advanced Geomagnetics & Body-Field-Systems Structuring & Strengthening Processes Occurring Now

Posted by AbZu

These are the cosmic frequencies and continued re-coding & re-structuring of our Body Field & Systems today….

The huge delicate & intricate “new linkage” processes that began a few weeks ago continue….

This is for those of us who have dropped physical density (not weight, density), have an immense amount of SPACE inside, where all cells are awakened, alive, one’s crystalline structure is fully developed and been operating in unison with the merging energies & cycles over the last many years of Earth Gaia, the Grand Central SOLar Sun, Moons, Planets and all Galactic Core Regions too…

As each’s body evolves AS THE GRIDWORK SYSTEM of NEW Earth, existence takes on a whole new everything…. Your whole life changes completely….

It takes years to evolve our physical bodies from carbon-based to crystalline and to bring our entire bodies/systems/higher mind all online from INSIDE….

To link up to an intricate system where all works cohesively and breathes as ONE…. where every nano-second/moment is connected, where all is organic life, where all communicates simultaneously, where there is no separation anymore in anything….

BEcoming a Gridkeeper and Gatekeeper is not just something you “do”, it’s something that you ARE and your evolving physical form is what brings you/gives you physical access to these highest timeline existences, where your experiences are magical, amazing, magnificent and totally beyond human comprehension….

You have to let go of every pre-conceived notion of how all is supposed to be, what your body is supposed to “look like”, how it is supposed to “work”, for those limited human beliefs do not apply here. Those old attempts to fix, suppress, ignore or control won’t work anymore, for your body is waking up and it’s releasing everything that was anchored, suppressed and held deep inside, in every cell of your body, in the sub-ATOMic molecular structures that hold your physical matter body together….

Human aspects haven’t got a clue as to what our lives are like here. Mis-perceptions, mis-everything, assumptions by applying limited their beliefs, projections and individual lenses to a reality that doesn’t conform to anything human at all. The mis-perceptions are huge lately and this grows vaster with every timeline collapse/convergence that we encounter now (every moment of every day)….

Our cells do everything for us here… evolving from sleeping, dead, ignored, unconscious cells to Quantum then Super Quantum and beyond…. We’ve done the intensity of the physical everything. Here, everything is energetic…. Our days are simple, focused, intentional and EASY. We do work in-dedicated-full-service in every state and this dedication and total conscious effort is rewarded with full everything to support us for all of the infinite support and service that we provide.

We do heavy duty work in our sleep state (sleep is never just sleep ever again), clearing all of those heavy timelines and programs in our closed-eyed state and carrying it through to our open-eyed state to fully align our physical realities through our totally conscious actions and through our abilities to maintain full expansion and Super Consciousness, no matter what goes on “out there” or around us… “That does not dictate” anymore, WE do…

WE shape physical matter into form, we materialize dreams and desires (not separated little human ones, instead soul-aligned highest-consciousness ones)….

We walk in REALities that we anchored here, by working in all dimensions and intentionally affecting the physical one through full consciousness here….

We require things that others don’t care about (yet), we don’t allow the old ways anymore, because we don’t have to, for we transcended all of that, we don’t take things for-granted, for all is a gift and deeply sacred here….

Our lives are very different, for they are no longer of chaos, drama, loss, suffering, devastation or lack… in any way…. They are a continual reflection of our intentional transmissions through focused action from the UNITY that we hold inside…. a UNIFIED EXISTENCE that emanates out and connects with all-things-as-ONE-again….

Being a Crystalline GridKeeper and a Star/Heaven GateKeeper here, these are our FIRST duties and our bodies must be honored at all times…. and everything follows that…. we do not make exceptions to this…. ever….

When StarGates activate and align, our cells start charging in Photonic Quantum Light, moving continually and transmitting across all dimensions and galaxies FOR US…. WE don’t go anywhere or do anything anymore…. other than what presents for us to accomplish as a NEW EARTH LIGHT BEING occupying an evolving physical form here…

The more Quantum we are, with our cells, with our whole body, with every STAR Particle, with every breath, with every action, with every thought…. the EASIER our physical existence is….

Granted, we do a lot, because we have these amazing natural capAbilities here. We’ve embodied infinite higher selves, Christed Consciousness, God Consciousness, Galactic Consciousness and all of our “other aspects” within our physical form to return to our Avatar Bodies here…

This existence is PURE….. it’s not tainted by any other existence anymore… There’s no more Karma to suffer to or clear, for we’ve completed each one of those processes here….

Our bodies did get bigger, because we brought all of NEW EARTH into existence with our entire physical form. We birthed the NEW with our bodies and they went through “hell” while we did… We did agree for our bodies to BE THE FOUNDATION for awhile and to overcome the lack of everyone and everything “out there”, to not hold any of that anymore within ourselves…

We had to overcompensate for the non-belief, the inability by others to step-up/ forth and come together, contribute, support… We had to take on those roles and hold them, without any help from others, because they were too human/unconscious/separated within themselves still….

This too is a part of the process, as Forerunners/WayShowers here, as fully Sovereign BEings here…. Once we UNIFY FULLY INSIDE, we stop seeking or asking others for anything at all… We go on to LIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE, to form the foundation, to hold the structures for all in place…. we’ve done the “collapsing realities”, a necessary part of the process for all to fully and finally exit the matrix simulation to come to exist on the OTHER SIDE OF THE VEILS….

We spent years over-compensating for all “not ready yet” (in our immediate reality and collectively/globally too). Our Earthly bodies (physical matter in form) got bigger to make room for our Super Conscious Quantum Cells to move about freely and to create the SPACE necessary for us to exist fully on NEW EARTH.

Many have asked about the weight changes, and these vary over different phases & “time”. Thin, heavy, lighter, smaller, bigger, tighter, looser…. each process of our Galactic Soul Embodiment Journey is reflected with our physical form here.

As humans, we disconnected from our bodies/all, which caused them to go into a stasis, which eventually means they will wither up, shut down and die, unless we can fully integrate the FULL LIGHT OF OUR SOUL BODY back into our physical form. Not loving & respecting our bodies, we suppressed and put them through hell. They have to recover from all of that and completely repair, break down, rebuild…. This subject is “bigger” than any human mindset can understand….

When we start to actually love ourselves, we start to work out, try to lose weight, feel better inside, we start to care about our bodies and exercise is a great way to activate our spirit/soul, be alone with our thoughts (meditation/listening), burn off that pent up energy and focus on FEELING awesome about ourselves… It also kicks us into a whole different phase of our process that takes a while to work inner feelings out…..

Yet the muscles are the gridwork for the Earth we exist on, so when it’s time to leave old earth and move to NEW we have to move/shift into relaxation and our muscles have to release the Quantum Field so we can expand into the Unified Field and our Bones must lighten to drop the density, the structures for all realities, and our organs, glands and more… these are just a small part of the Systems for the earth we exist on too…. Every piece and part of the body places a role in our whole existence here.

We eventually come to the phase where we need more rest, more relaxation, more nature, more “me/we/connection time”, more time alone, more sleep to activate the higher realms/inner realms/subtle realms/other dimensions/lucid dreamy phase to start to shift out of the old 3rd/4th dimensions of unconscious/duality consciousness and move our bodies into 5th+ Dimensional Consciousness and activate/open access to NEW EARTH…. first inside/through expansion of consciousness for those amazing expansion experiences of bliss, magic and such profound peace, unity and love…..

Then it’s time to bring the body online and into higher dimensional existence too and to WALK IN MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS… and the bizarreness begins…..

The more Crystalline your body becomes, the more your body and energy “run the show”. The more you must sleep when the energies present, rest when you can’t do anything, focus your energy intentionally and stop wasting… everything….

Your body becomes a “super conductor” , a living bio: generator, processor, transmitter, receiver, projector and more. Your cells store photonic light and your body completely re-works itself…. Your bones/teeth/jaw expand & contract, your belly, head, body, heart, brain, flesh, organs… all of these do too. Your body constantly tunes, re-generates, replenishes, repairs, re-codes, re-calibrates… when your crystals/cells are tuning, you can’t subject yourself to external stimuli (humans/computers/information), when they are transmitting only, you can’t receive (everything is data here), when they are in reception mode, you can’t transmit/produce, when they are depleted/regenerating, you can’t give/do anything for anyone/anything at all….

Your new upgrading and super enhanced bodies work very differently than before…. You will learn to preserve your energy, direct your energy, hone your energy/skills, focus your energy, create new energy… all from within and by using the exterior to support these processes….

Everything is always transmitting around you and you have to shift your own whole-body-system vibration to compensate for all of the energies in your own Field of Consciousness…. You are the one that has to maintain balance (with every particle of you), so when anything outside of you/around you/in your field is not of the same/highest frequency bandwidth, it’s you that has to deal/do…..

Your Crystalline Structure is an intricate system of crystals, alive cells and living, breathing mult-verses & bio organisms all working together cohesively inside and with everything external too. If that of your external is not fully in-alignment and of the highest vibrational consciousness, you are the one that is compensating for every little tweak necessary to hold all realities in place…..

You will start to realize how everything in your FIELD, everything in your reality TRANSMITS frequencies, a gazillion of them, simultaneously and how your own physical body system automatically re-calibrates itself to encoded transmissions all around you. If you are not fully conscious, then your body takes these codes and stores them and it has to work harder to transmit new sequences and codes to over-ride those in your field….

Physical realities are a product of energy consciousness, codes, sequences, vibrations and tones…. Your body’s consciousness is responding to everything around you constantly, (consciously or unconsciously) compensating for the transmissions that are not fully in alignment….

This is why it’s so important for you to be fully conscious of all that you allow, think and do… in your immediate physical reality and in your FIELD of Consciousness…. virtually too….

Your evolving Plasma Crystalline LightBody is a finely tuned instrument, a delicate system that is constantly transmitting & receiving and switching between modes of operation to optimize efficiency for your whole physical existence here…. It tunes your physical body & your physical reality constantly FOR you… yet it needs your continual presence, love and consideration for what IT NEEDS in order to make LIFE easier for you….

It also will not allow you to go back and participate in the old. It will shut you down, over stimulate and get totally confused if you keep introducing “the old” into your own BODY – FIELD …

It is more intelligent than you as a human are. It knows what you need, it knows what you are “trying to do” and it knows how to “deal with you”. It will not tolerate introduction of frequencies that are not supportive anymore, create chaos, interfere with your highest purposes here, hold a vibration that cannot align with your current phase that you are in and it will not process most things through your body anymore. It will reject this, sometimes violently, until you stop allowing/doing this.

Your intelligent Advanced NEW Earth Body is completely different than your human one was. Your physical form holds light and activates crystals (Christed Light) that in-turn begin processes that need to occur NOW. It will eject anything from it that is of a too-low vibration and it will go offline every time it needs to incorporate new programming…

We’ve entered such high frequencies, that the physical body is continually undergoing massive integration cycles to expedite rapid Plasma Crystalline LightBody evolution for all on NEW Earth NOW. You are not going to be able to function like you once did. This is how it’s supposed to be, as your new body functions completely different, so it’s going require more love, attention, understanding/care and you listening to it and honoring what it tells you… in every moment. Every moment is going to be something different now….

There is a part of this process where a ridiculous amount of sleep (over years) is necessary for everyone’s SoulBody to awaken, form crystals, cleanse/repair/re-code itself to become a GENERATOR and for each system to go offline to be reworked to come back online with NEW EARTH operating systems…. Kind-while, each is activating other dimensions/the lucid dream, clearing all timelines for waking within the Lucid Dream, the relaxed matrix of plasma, fluid, fuzzy, soft, bendable, stretchable, form-able physical realities where nothing is solid until all new fully conscious realities have been birthed and anchored fully…

Every fiber and particle of our physical form must go through a huge expansion, transformation and re-calibration process. Our bodies get larger (like a space suit), as gravity goes and we anchor-down on NEW Earth (imagine re-acclimating your BodySuit to a new planet where it’s got to learn to breath, function and constantly adjust it’s molecular weight (density/space/mass/matter) to the continual fluctuations of ever changing “new/foreign” frequencies until it’s adapted to this new Life-Form called a living intelligent body that can adapt to surroundings instantly without overcompensating anymore….

This is what today’s integrating system re-calibrations are…. (Yes, we are non-linear, so we have to paint the whole picture to explain our simple intricate processes here).

For years, for many of us, our bodies were the “weight” that held all NEW EARTH REALities in place, because we were waiting for Earth to achieve a certain frequency for entire collectives to arrive to “help us” hold all in place…. This recent occurrence of COLLECTIVE NEW EARTH finally reaching a quotient of awakened & ascended conscious beings “arriving” to “help” hold the gridwork IN THEIR OWN BODIES NOW, has balanced the SCALES, if you will, so that our bodies can now start to drop the excess size (not density) we were “carrying”. Today’s integration redistributes all from our bodies to our fields and then out… so now our fields hold the ability to maintain for us and our bodies are not the only primary anchor point anymore…. (YAY!)

Earth’s Field is now comprised of enough Diamond Crystalline Filaments & Encodements that connect her body and the entire Geo Electromagnetic Field are now referred to as our NEW BODY FIELD. It is completing a whole new intricate Communication System necessary to have balance to sustain these highest vibrations with greater ease, so that both have balance simultaneously and our Field can now sustain what our bodies carried before.

For those of us who have evolved with Earth Gaia, AS Galactics and the Grand Central sun, operating from the depths & core of all of our existences here, we now do to (and all others who shall come to do this will too).

Our NEW Earth now moves into increasing dropping all lower density at exponentially expedited rate, more than we’ve ever seen in this physical incarnation thus far. We shall continue to experience these increasing frequencies immense proportions for instant integration, so it’s more important than ever for each to continually re-focus, re-group, re-calibrate, re-everything as your Body Reality tells you to.

As intentional and dedicated Physical Form Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers, we maintain expansion across all dimensions/timelines simultaneously and consistently hold the absolute Highest Consciousness in place. All will come to this point eventually, each perfect for their own chosen journey/experience here. Everyone on Earth IS going through this, the only difference is who has access to all of the information that we share in order to apply it to their own lives intentionally or wait until all other options have been depleted….

And as always, this is “just the beginning”… forego the continual death & rebirth cycles (The Phoenix) that speed up to become the same moment where all are present in the same space all of the time now. ♥

I love you. Another day in bed writing what’s up for all, for my work-day went out the window again too. Laugh baby. More awesomeness, more surprises, more magic more exquisiteness as we stride huge timelines continually now! ♦ ∞

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Galactic Guardian, Author, Re-Educator through Highest Consciousness Existence, Transformational Speaker, Love, Energy


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