
My Introduction Video - Openhearted Rebel

April 27, 2017 by Wes Annac

Exciting news! Along with articles, I’ll now be publishing videos to the Openhearted Rebel blog. This is the first video, in which I introduce myself on camera (for the first time “officially”) and explain the type of content I’ll be posting.

If you like the video and you’re on YouTube, please hit the “like” button and subscribe to the channel. Thanks!

In this first video, I explain the kind of content this channel will cover. If you enjoy it, please like, subscribe, and check out my daily news blog, Openhearted Rebel: http://openheartedrebel.com

Quotes sources:

J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 103-6.

“Terence McKenna Quotes”, Good Reads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/quot...

Much love 🙂

By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebel, April 26, 2017 – http://tinyurl.com/mbernuw

Quelle: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/27/my-introduction-new-openhearted-rebel-video/

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