
Pleiades 1 Messages April 25th 2017

P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Flowers and Crystals planted on Island K (North Corea).

Fragments of Nova* Aurora arrive on the Terran plane. Like Crystals of Hope they awaken Aurorans and Harmitians.

War points in disarmament.

Natyla-Ha*, The Guardian Nymph of the Seven Bright Points being called!

The Guardian* of Time in a new logistics analysis. Data transfer completed successfully.

Reverb package “The Reprogrammer” – In progress >>>> 69% (non-regressive). STAGE 1.

Sector 4/9 of Base* 23T in deprivation: 99% (non-regressive). Zetas invited to withdraw. The Light Celebrates! Next >>>> 5/9.

Zero* i mirrors universal balance. Harmonization of polarities completed.

Magnetic* Junction in expressive reverberation.

End of Transmission
Pleiades 1 (In old frame suspension)

* Item in Glossary

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