
LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Alien Hybrids and 12 Tribe Healing”

I am sharing in the public blog what feels to be an important update that may be directly impacting some of our Galactic and spiritually awakened families during this Aries alchemical fire cycle leading into the intensity of the electrical peak in May. This is the period of time many of us will undergo spiritual lightbody activations and an expansion in consciousness. To prevent this from occurring, additional interference and blowback from the NAA or dark forces is all too common. The vertical channel and staff configuration in our head, crown, heart and solar star is shifting alignment to receive more Cosmic Mother frequency through the Aquaferion Host network, to which you may experience intense to surreal lightbody upgrades. This also may result in levels of spiritual warfare instigated from the Yahweh system entities to gain back control over access into your lightbody, or a systematic purge of black cube matrix and layers of the Yahweh architecture and its AI signal being extracted from out of your lightbody.

To better understand the context of this planetary event, here is a recent transcript briefly summarizing the history of the Yahweh Matrix:

Now before we get started this evening recently there has been more activity in the passage that leads to Ascension Earth and I have been observing events from a location called AnShala Passage, which means Protected Shelter. It is one of the protected passageways that lead to the safe zones while there are wars and conflict occurring in the trans-dimensional fields. This area is hosted and held in place by the Aquaferion Shield and it has been brought into awareness to know of its role in genetic rehabilitation of the human 12 tribes on the Earth that have suffered genetic engineering for alien hybridization and consciousness slavery. The Aquaferion Shield holds the genetic record that is called Blue Feathers which represents the 12 Tribes of the Krystic Aquaferion Races from Andromeda in the Krystal Eternal Tree of Life of which many of us are direct descendants of or this is the region where we evolve to in our future Krystic Self. The 12 Tribes of Aquaferion are transmitting activations this year in order to help clear out the Yahweh and Metatronic infection of reversal light coding in the Earth human 12 Tribes coding or Tribal Shield, and it is for this reason this information is being brought to our attention as it is the content and the quality of energies we are working with during this time.

The connection between Yahweh and Metatronic reversal that led to genetic damage and black hole alien hybridization is explained as; multiple millions of years ago the host mission of the Metatronic Family was to help repair the parts that fell into separation in the Milky Way that were originally from Andromeda. This was the result of the Lyran Wars or the Fall of Lyra. Lyra was the 12th Gate that connected directly into the Andromedan Galaxy. When Lyra fell its higher pieces that had connected to the natural Krystal Codes or Kryst Codes and Krystal Architecture, the Eternal Living Light Architecture became reversed and locked into the Milky Way System. As a result it became distorted and the Metatron Collective attempted to retrieve and repair this 12th Gate and unfortunately they failed. As a result of the failed attempts of the Metatron Collective they were absorbed into the AI System that became formed and this eventually digressed into the Yahweh system and it this system or matrix that is connected into a black cube matrix. This black cube matrix is connected in through Saturn and that construct is siphoning life force from our Universal Time Matrix and routing it back into their black hole system, the place that is the origination of these negative alien agenda intruders. Saturn is also the Solar Seventh Gate so it’s been pumping out reversal violet ray plasma light and this has been a source of the distortion that generates reversal violet light onto our planet. This is one of the alien constructs that is used to impale the crucifixion implants on the axiatonal lines throughout the planetary body. The Saturn control base has been in warfare over these black cube constructs, which also relates to the reversal violet ray plasma fields that were being transmitted from Saturn’s bases.

So, the Yahweh system leads back into the black hole system from a black star that is located in the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy called Abaddon. The Yahweh system took over the Four Cardinal Directions or what we call the Divine Infinite Calculus in our Universe. They have used the Yahweh system to take over the Aurora Pillars and the Krystal Cathedral trinity wave architecture (in the fallen or split off descending timelines that impacted the earth in the first density, this is what the NAA are fighting to maintain now). This system is called the Yod Hey Vod Hey (YHWH) System. The YHWH system correlates to taking over all of the numerical four constructs used in building architecture in the matter realms such as in the use of manifesting the cardinal directions – North, South, East and West. Each of the YHVH relates to a direction and a fallen angelic hierarchy. Calling on this Yahweh system through the YHVH matrix or tetragrammaton is common in squaring the circle, which is how an occult ritualist sets the directions in an energetic space. This may be used in some New Age practices or in black magic rituals that are bound to the Hebrew based systems, the mystical Kabbalah or other mystery schools or religions that worship Yahweh. Recently the black magic Thothian network and Qlippoth were discussed to better comprehend how black subtle forces are being generated and circulated in the Black Tree of Life, of which they have been systematically assimilating into the AI programs.

In Revelation 9.1.1 (and please note the time code as well as the number code of 911) Abaddon is described as the Destroyer, the Angel of the Abyss, the King of Plague of Locusts resembling horses with crowned human faces, women’s hair, lions teeth, wings, iron breastplates and a tail with a scorpion’s stinger that torments for five months anyone who does not have the Seal of God on their foreheads. It is clear that this is a demon, fallen or black star that is directly connected to the Armageddon software. The Black Star Abaddon in the centre of our Milky Way is what holds together the 666 Beast configuration along with the Yahweh Matrix that creates the inorganic four, the YHWH Matrix and this feeds off of living creatures and sends the life force back to the black hole entities. As we have been talking about the shift that is occurring with the planetary staff, the planetary staff of Earth was aligned to the Black Star Abaddon in the centre of the Milky Way. This is shifting now. We will be addressing this issue in this evening’s meditation and this is why I have updated you with this in more detail so that you have context for the current theme on going that is clearing Yahweh matrix links out of the human genetic record with the transmission of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. Thanks so much for listening. (End recent Community Update – Transcript)

What may be important to be aware of is that there is an opportunity for the possibility of clearing out some of the more difficult layers of reptilian hybrid genetic code or alien hybrid genetic code histories that were inserted into the earth for the express intent to gain ownership over the human body and human consciousness via 12 Tribe implantation. Many people on this earth carry an assortment of fragments, attachments, ancestral beings, alien implants, Fallen Angelics, and potentially one or more alien hosts as a result of hybridization, miasma, karmic bloodlines, or alien abduction. Mind control programing and their holographic inserts, allow the consciousness body of the individual to be infiltrated through the energetic signature of the alien implant. Mind Control programs enforced through alien implantation, and their entity attachments or possessions, are two sides of the same coin. The energetic signature of the Alien Implant will depend on the genetic and consciousness relationship that person has, to the entity that has placed the implant in their human target. Many of these entities believe that humans are their personal property, so the alien implant will have specific information from the extradimensional source of the species that have “laid claim” to that individual, family line or group.

As we learn more about multiple species agendas, we must improve energetic discernment of the variety of forces that we interact with in the day to day. These are both seen and unseen forces that take advantage of our lack of awareness. Because we are awakening from the Dark Aeon of Alien Hybridization, which is the primary reason for the imprisonment of our consciousness, we must shake off these parasites and reclaim our sovereign right to Single Soul Occupancy. The newsletter Single Soul Occupancy addresses the most common issues of parasitism that are the result of Alien Hybridization, implantation and genetic manipulation of the consciousness of the human being. Once informed, any person may be empowered to identify and terminate the source of spiritual oppression. Through the Law of Consent, we can begin to address the layers of alien trauma and remove its access and influence upon our spiritual bodies. We may need the Spirits of Christ to help us strengthen our personal will and clarity of intention – the quality of Patience, Discipline and Diligence as we continue to command our space and claim our personal sovereignty every day, no matter what kind of interference is happening.

Intrinsic to spiritual awakening is to clearly see the false identity and false beliefs that have operated which previously led us into misaligned thinking and therefore a misaligned pathway. Many of these identities are a result of alien hybridization histories, and not our true spiritual identity. Some of us have operated these masks of identities and beliefs for many, many lifetimes which embed energy blockages even more deeply into one’s cellular memory. Many of these identifies and belief systems are also sourcing from an alien genetic memory or from a past or future timeline of alien hybridization. These levels of alien hybridization and inter-breeding have impacted inter-generational bloodlines, and many can be traced throughout certain families that were chosen to be a part of hybridization, or in worse cases, experimentation for an assortment of NAA purposes.

We are preparing to move into another position in the evolutionary chain which impacts Universal timelines with alien hybridized identities and their relationship to the Personal Christ gestalt of consciousness in new ways. Our spiritual communities will be impacted, and will continue to feel the energetic and spiritual impacts of these recent events. This opens up the potential of meeting future hybridized selves or other self related identities throughout the timelines during the spiritual initiation process which may happen in lucid dreams, meditation, sleep state or other consciousness work. We can mistake these alien or other identity masks as our own body because we, along with our ancestors, have lived with them for so long. Many of us may have forgotten who we are and from where we have originated without these alien controllers. These memories may change or start to return, be willing to know the truth whatever it may reveal itself to be.

Key themes of impact in the planetary field:

12 Tribe genetic healing from alien hybridization history is emphasized
Black Cube matrix architecture is undergoing dismantle or extraction
Yahweh, Jehovah and Metatronic coded bi–wave architecture collapse, victimizer archetypes running amok
Agenda to run 911 timelines through Abaddon and Armageddon terror tactics (WW3)
Aquaferion White Light Starfire Presence made through Blue Feather coding
Spiritual warfare ensues to gain control over the timeline of the individual, groups and those “claimed” as hybrids belonging to NAA races

We are in a war over consciousness that requires we master the psychological-spiritual warfare that is being directed toward humanity. In many cases, this will require we directly experience enhanced awareness and see the actual implants, entities, psychic attack and forms of alien aggression that is all around us or influencing us directly. We cannot heal the consciousness of our planet and regain self ownership until we understand exactly how the global mind became corrupted with the reptilian virus and synthetic alien machinery. Please have patience with the process and command your space as a God-Sovereign-Free being. We are in this together.

With Love,


(Source: Single Soul Occupancy Alien Hybridization, and Genetic Engineering Updates with Aquaferions)

~via EnergeticSynthesis.com – Time Shift Blog – April 26, 2017

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