
What A Spectacular Sight In Phillipines! Large Blimp-Like UFO Cloudship Displays Ripples And New Colours Of Fifth Dimension!


Published on Apr 26, 2017

Indian in the machine: Some of these cloudships will display the new colours of the fifth dimension.
5 New Colours Of The Fifth Dimension: An Explanation from Sananda …

Sep 1, 2014 – New colours of the fifth dimension that are now being shown to us in the sky via the … Within this Sananda message below, is the following info:.

5 New Colours Of The Fifth Dimension: An Explanation from Sananda, And Affirmation From Michele

New colours of the fifth dimension that are now being shown to us in the sky via the sylphs and the ufo cloudships, and as well, sunlight shone into crystals may emit the new colours as well… humans too are absorbing and integrating these new colours, and it is activating our brains and dna… and our entire bodies and beings:

Within this Sananda message below, is the following info:

8TH RAY – Seafoam green with violet: clear and cleanse 4 bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

9TH RAY – Luminescent light green and blue: love, joy and passion for life

10TH RAY – Pearlescent luminosity: Code your lightbody into the physical, draw in your I AM Presence

11TH RAY – Peach luminosity: Bridge to new age, balance male and female polarities

12 RAY – White Gold: Cosmic fire, ease and grace in one’s creations

*Call upon these rays now and ask yourself to absorb and integrate these 5 new primary colours… why wait? Why forget?

Message From Sananda

Beloved Ones,

As you move into the coming times, we ask you to be aware of and work more closely with your chakras and the twelve Rays, as you release all that no longer serves you. All that you have lived is within your energetic signature. It is the light which you radiate out to all others. It is the love of your Sacred Heart; it is the very essence of who you are as you express your Divinity. Your energetic signature may be light and bright or it may be filled with darkness and blemishes. As you release each day, you will lighten your density and you will become the light of your Divine I Am Presence. Assist yourselves in this transition, and use the twelve Rays as you bring in the personality of God, your I Am Presence. The twelve Rays will help you cleanse and clear and bring forth the balance and the harmony which you desire. The twelve Rays will assist you in bringing balance and harmony within your chakra system and they will assist you in bringing forth and anchoring your light body into the physical.

The five higher Rays have been brought forth to give you even greater assistance, as you integrate the love of your Sacred Heart. Beloved ones, call on the Eight Ray, this sea foam green with violet Ray, to clear and cleanse your four bodies. Clear and cleanse your physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual bodies, through the calling in of this Ray. As you release in layers, each day, call upon this Ray.

Call upon the Ninth Ray for the love and the joy to assist you to stay within your passion for life, your great desire to become and be your light body, your Divine I Am Presence. The Ninth Ray of luminescent light green and blue, and the light of God, will help you to further cleanse and release layers which no longer serve you. This Ray will assist you in attracting your light body.

It is the Tenth Ray of pearlescent luminosity and God light, which will code your light body into the physical. Cleanse and clear, beloved ones, cleanse and clear, so you may make way for your light body to fill the very essence of you, to fill your physical body and every aspect of you with the unconditional love, will, power, and wisdom of the Cosmos. Intentionally draw in your Divine I Am Presence, and freely call on the Tenth Ray to assist you. This Ray is of most great importance to you at this time.

The Eleventh Ray, of peach luminosity and God light, is the bridge to the New Age. It will further help you clear remaining patterns which no longer serve you; it will help you bring into balance the remainder of the masculine and feminine polarities, as you integrate your Divine I Am Presence.

The Twelfth Ray is the glorious, luminous, white gold, God light. It is the light of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Fire of all Creation. It is the Heartbeat of God. It is the Wisdom of God. Draw it in, beloved ones, draw it in, incorporate it, ask for ease and grace in all that you do, and ask for ease and grace as you work with these Rays. Call upon the amount of each Ray that is perfect for you in the Now Moment so that you will move forward in the love of your Sacred Heart, with full ease and grace.

Your beloved Michael and I, and all those of the higher realms, are most willing to assist you in every endeavor, but you, dear ones, must do the work. Call on us, you are loved and supported by all of the higher realms. I am here with you, in the love of your Sacred Heart.

I am Sananda.

Message from Michelle

Archangel Michael and Sananda have guided me to share with you, a practical application for drawing in and integrating your Divine I Am Presence, and the Mahatma.

Each morning, go into meditation. A morning meditation sets the tone for your day. You want to recenter yourself in the physical body, from your night time activities. Between soul travel, classes on the inner plane, and our dreams, we are very busy while we sleep! Breathe deeply, and bring yourself into your Sacred Heart.

Now, just as you get dressed physically each day, you want to get dressed spiritually.

Place your golden sphere of protection (a gift from Archangel Michael) around you. Once you have done this, you only need to reinforce it each morning, and before you go to sleep at night. You may also place a pillar of divine light around you, the white light of God, tinged with gold.

Put on your spiritual, white robe of love, wisdom, and power.

Put on your blue flame spiritual armor, a gift from Archangel Michael.

Take up your Sword of Michael, and claim your personal power, today and every day, in service to the Divine.

Call on the Mahatma. It is as simple as saying “I Am The Mahatma”. You may say the affirmation often, during the day, as you draw in, and feel this expansive light.

Call in your Divine I Am Presence. Breathe deeply, and ask your divine spiritual light body, your I Am Presence, to take dominion in every aspect and facet of you. Ask your I Am Presence to think through you, feel through you, speak through you, and act through you, today and every day, in every Now Moment. Feel this presence within you.

Visualize, and see your light body. How does it feel, what does it look like? What do you want to look like? You are drawing in eternal youth. Visualize yourself as you desire to be, and visualize yourself in perfect, vibrant, health.

Call upon the Twelve Rays. Use your inner wisdom to determine which Ray or Rays to call in. In regards to the five higher Rays, spoken of in Sananda’s message, you could call in the Eighth Ray for a cleansing of your four bodies. You might call in the Ninth Ray for an infusion of joy, to begin your day. Freely call on the Tenth Ray to assist you in coding in, and anchoring your light body into your physical body, or the Eleventh Ray to further assist you in integration and cleansing. Call on the Twelfth Ray, for an infusion of the glorious God light. Always ask for ease and grace, and ask for an infusion of a Ray, that is just perfect for you in the Now Moment. Remember, more is not necessarily better, so use your discernment and inner wisdom as you call upon the Rays, so that you may experience ease and grace.

You may recenter yourself within your Sacred Heart and reinforce your light body, and the Mahatma energy, as guided, during the day.

Finally, express gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings in your life. Do this throughout your day. See, and focus on what is good in your world, and on the earth, and see the God Self in all others.

Once again, ask for ease and grace in every aspect and facet of you, and all that you do, each day.

With great love and blessings,


You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com
More research:

Search terms “rainbow cloudship”

This picture is of a rainbow sylph… both sylphs and cloudships are appearing all over our skies these days.

Have A Glimpse Into The Fifth Dimension Right Now! Here’s How!

*This is one of the most important pages you could have found.

Dear world,

Lenticular clouds… many of them are actually cloaked spaceships… for real. There are lots of cool time lapse videos on youtube of these cloaked spaceships... maybe you’ve seen them and believed the lie that they were just water vapour going against the wind like you were told?


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